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males Meaning in Tamil ( males வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



males தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஆண்பாலுக்குரிய அல்லது பெண்பாலுக்குரிய உரிச்சொல் முடிவுகளை -s மற்றும் -a இல் இருந்து -i க்கு மாற்றுவதன் மூலமாய் இது பெறப்படுகிறது.

ரோமானியனில் அதிகப்படியான வினையுரிச்சொற்கள் சாதாரணமாக ஏற்புடைய உரிச்சொல்லின் ஆண்பாலுக்குரிய ஒருமையாகவே உள்ளன – bine ("நலம்") / bun ("நன்மை") போன்றவை இதில் குறிப்பிடத்தக்க விதிவிலக்காக உள்ளன.

males's Usage Examples:

In the males the horns are generally angulated, and marked by fine transverse wrinkles; their colour being greenish or brownish.

gamous flowers (that is, male, female and hermaphrodite), solitary, in slender, tubular spathes; the male flowers become detached and rise to the surface; the females are raised to the surface when mature, and receive the floating pollen from the male.

The houses at Pompeii are generally low, rarely exceeding two storeys in height, and it appears certain that the upper storey was generally of a slight construction, and occupied by small rooms, serving as garrets, or sleeping places for slaves, and perhaps for the females of the family.

The principal textile manufactures in order of importance are worsted, employing some 36,000 hands, females considerably outnumbering males; woollens, employing some 8000, silk and cotton.

When the flies were transferred to medium without tetracycline, no female progeny were recovered in a sample of more than 5000 males.

In virtue of the enactments of May 1880, of November 1886, of February 1888 and of December 1903, military service had been obligatory on all Mussulmans, Christians having been excluded but under obligation of paying a " military exoneration tax " of T50 for 135 males between the ages of 15 and 75.

The crown is hereditary in the house of Wittelsbach, according to the rights of primogeniture, females being excluded from succession so long as male agnates of equal birth exist.

The most common form of masturbation, especially in circumcised males, is to wrap one or both hands or several fingers and thumb around the erect penis and stroke it up and down until ejaculation.

It wouldn't be long before males started storing sperm, in little globs around the outer edge of their property.

picticaudata form a group in which the females are hornless and the face-markings inconspicuous or wanting.

When attacked by dogs, the males use their sharp canine teeth, which inflict deep and even dangerous wounds.

The offspring of the virgin females are in most of these instances females; but among the bees and wasps parthenogenesis occurs normally and always results in the development of males, the " queen " insect laying either a fertilized or unfertilized egg at will.

Achondroplasia occurs in all races and with equal frequency in males and females and affects about one in every 40,000 children.


phallic, priapic, sexuality, gender, young-begetting, masculine, antheral, sex, staminate,


civilian, juvenile, androgynous, feminine, female,

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