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malcontents Meaning in Tamil ( malcontents வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மனக்குறை உடைய,

malcontents தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


malcontents's Usage Examples:

in Siena gave fresh courage to the malcontents, who, backed by the imperial authority, overthrew the government of the nine and substituted a magistracy of twelve drawn from the lowest class.

The Liberal majority of 44 was already dwindling away, and the malcontents, who considered that Sir William Harcourt should have been the prime minister, or who were perpetually intriguing against a leader who did not satisfy their idea of Radicalism, made Lord Rosebery's personal position no easy one.

In the circumstances it is not surprising that he was the life and soul of the malcontents of the place.

A group of malcontents under the leadership of one Durand, a man who had been prominent in the revolution against General Caceres in 1894-95, conspired against the authorities and raised several armed bands, known locally as montaneras.

So long as the Magyar people had any life left, it was bound to fight in self-defence, it was bound to produce " malcontents " resistance.

In 1902 a widespread military conspiracy was rumoured to exist, while Austria and Russia repeatedly gave proofs that they were indifferent to the fate of Alexander, and so encouraged the malcontents.

At first in Sicily and afterwards throughout Italy the Ghibellines gave them a warm welcome; the rigorists and the malcontents who had either left the church or were on the point of leaving it, were attracted by these communities of needy rebels; and the tribune Rienzi was at one time disposed to join them.

'dissatisfaction among men of Slavonic temperament, whose grandfathers had been independent princes, boyars or free lances, and the malcontents could not adopt the old practice of emigrating to some other principality.

A conspiracy against him of all the other great boyars and the metropolitan Dionysy, which sought to break Boris' power by divorcing the tsar from Godunov's childless sister, only ended in the banishment or tonsuring of the malcontents.

In these circumstances the only outlet for discontent was sedition, and the malcontents awaited impatiently a favourable opportunity for an attempt to curb or overthrow the autocratic power.

Ottakar endeavoured, with the aid of the Magyar malcontents, to conquer the western provinces of Hungary, but after some successes was utterly routed by Stephen in 1271 near Mosony, and by the peace of Pressburg, the same year, relinquished all his conquests.

Domestic malcontents did not scruple to hint that the king, like his father-in-law before him, had made war on France, not with any hope of renewing the glories of Crecy or Agincourt, still less with any design of helping his allies, but purely to get first grants from his parliament, and then a war indemnity from his enemies.


individual, pettifogger, somebody, soul, sorehead, caviler, squabbler, caviller, mortal, person, someone, quibbler,


female, adult, worker, debtor, male,

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