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maim Meaning in Tamil ( maim வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



maim தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அமிலங்களைக் கொண்டு எதிரிகளின் முகம், மற்றும் உடல் உறுப்புகளை சிதைத்தல், உருக்குலைத்தல், முடமாக்குதல்/ஊனமாக்குதல், தோற்றத்தை விகாரமாக்குதல் போன்றவதை இதன் நோக்கங்களாக, விளைவுகளாக இருக்கின்றன.

maim's Usage Examples:

The Disruption left the Church of Scotland in a sadly maimed condition.

If you have some friends, kick on multiplayer and maim everyone just to be the one that didn't get maimed.

These attackers wanted to maim innocent people, to cause as much destruction as possible and to terrorize and divide a nation.

For many kids, this is in addition to video game play, which can involve violent scenes including shooting, maiming or virtually killing characters.

maimed by landmines each month.

the long struggle left Assyria maimed and exhausted.

The plan of the Royal hospital, for old and maimed soldiers, was first suggested by the earl of Essex, when lord-lieutenant, and carried into effect Harbour.

They didn't enter war to satisfy a desire to kill and maim but to be victorious in the way their society rewarded.

Someone had the utter nerve to maim me who didn't even have a gun!If an unknown stranger or person without property caught red-handed in the commission of a crime refused to submit to arrest, it was lawful to maim or slay him according to the magnitude of the attempted crime.

maimed soldiers be taken into Consideration on Thursday Morning next.

This, female sex- maim is a process that's called " to be a woman " in a religion.

maimon, constitute the subgenus Maimon.

, who maimed for many years to come the Argive power and left Sparta without a rival in the Peloponnese.


cripple, lame, mutilate, wound, mar, injure,


strengthen, strong, fit, uncoiled,

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