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magnific Meaning in Tamil ( magnific வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வெனிஸ் நகரத்துப் பெரிய மனிதர்,

magnific தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


magnific's Usage Examples:

The great engineering works of Cimon provided a suitable area for the magnificent structures of the age of Pericles.

On and up the next cliff to view a magnificent seascape.

There is an abundance of fertile soil and magnificent grazing land.

Gigantic umbelliferous plants, with magnificent foliage, adapted for shrubbery borders or open spots on lawns.

This meant an extension of the TOkaidO (under a different name) nearly a hundred miles northward, for the magnificent shrines erected then at NikkO and the periodical ceremonies thenceforth performed there demanded a correspondingly fine avenue of approach.

11 A wheat root at different magnifications, infected by the take-all fungus, Gaeumannomyces graminis.

It is composed chiefly of oaks and alders and magnificent avenues of gigantic beech-trees.

, the latter limit on the north and west, consists of magnificent forests of birch, poplar, aspen, and Coniferae, such as Pinus cembra, Abies sibirica, Larix sibirica, Picea obovata, and so on, though the fir is not found above 2500 ft.

Through these, and through less perfect examples, was exhibited an amazing magnificence of fancy, at present insufficiently under control, and a voluptuous pomp of imagery, tending to an over-sweetness.

The principal characteristics of this second period are the magnificent portals, rising sometimes, as in the mosque of sultan Hasan, to 80 or 90 ft.

St Michael's, the parish church, has a striking Perpendicular tower, an arch of carved oak dividing its nave and chancel, a magnificent rood-loft, and a 13th-century monument doubtfully described as the tomb of Bracton, the famous lawyer, whose birthplace, according to local tradition, was Bratton Court in the vicinity.

She admired his magnificent back and shoulders and then looked away.

Hs body was first buried at Montereau and afterwards removed to the Chartreuse of Dijon and placed in a magnificent tomb sculptured by Juan de la Huerta; the tomb was afterwards transferred to the museum in the hotel de ville.

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