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magnetization Meaning in Tamil ( magnetization வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



magnetization தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


magnetization's Usage Examples:

A thin sheet of magnetic matter magnetized normally to its surface in such a manner that the magnetization at any place is inversely proportional to the thickness h of the sheet at that place is called a magnetic shell; the constant product hI is the strength of the shell and is generally denoted by 4, or 4.

If the magnetization is parallel to the major axis, and the lengths of the major and minor axes are 2a and 2C, the poles are situated at a distance equal to 3a from the centre, and the magnet will behave externally like a simple solenoid of length 3a.

He also carried out some new experiments on the effects of heat, and of screening by magnetic substances, and investigated the influence of shape upon the magnetization of iron.

-The earliest observations of the effect of magnetization upon thermo-electric power were those of W.

Ferromagnetism was explained by Ampere on the hypothesis that the magnetization of the molecule is due to an electric current constantly circulating within it.

Tomlinson found a critical point in the " temporary magnetization " of nickel (Proc.

If the magnet is not uni - form, the magnetization at any point is the ratio of the moment of an element of volume at that point to the volume itself, or I m.

It also discusses electromagnetism, Solar magnetism, dynamo theory, ocean floor magnetization, and the magnetospheres of the Earth and the planets.

Magnetization produces inTension produces increase of crease of length in weak fields, magnetization in weak fields, decrease in strong fields.


quantity, measure, amount, magnetic flux, magnetisation,


anastalsis, inactiveness, dormant, inaction, passive,

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