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magnanimously Meaning in Tamil ( magnanimously வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



magnanimously தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

கர்ணனும் போதிய பெருந்தன்மையுடன் அவளிடம் தான் புதிய நெய்யை அளிப்பதாகக் கூறினார்.

'சிறுகுடி அரியல் ஆர்கையர் ஆயினும் பெரியர்' (சிற்றூரில் வாழ்பவர்கள் நீச்சல் தண்ணீர் என்னும் அரியல் உண்டு வாழ்பவர் ஆயினும் பெருந்தன்மையுடன் நடந்துகொள்வர்) என்று பாடல் குறிப்பிடுகிறது.

இருந்தாலும் நடந்த சம்பவங்களை யோசித்த பீட்டர் பார்க்கர் இனிமேல் சாதாரணமான மக்களுக்கு உதவிசெய்யும் சராசரி ஸ்பைடர்மேனாகவே இருக்க ஆசைப்படுவதாக பெருந்தன்மையுடன் முடிவு எடுத்து டோனி ஸ்டார்க்கின் நன்மதிப்பை பெறுகிறான்.

magnanimously's Usage Examples:

The emperor not only freely pardoned him, but magnanimously offered him the choice of a high place in the army or a suitable escort for a pilgrimage to Mecca, and Bairam preferred the latter alternative.

The Washington authorities, thoroughly dissatisfied, ordered him to turn over the command to General Thomas, but the latter magnanimously declined the offer, and Buell on the 8th of October fought the sanguinary and indecisive battle of Perryville, in consequence of which Bragg retired to Chattanooga.

"He magnanimously pardoned his brother, and they lived on not unfriendly terms for the next five years.

Then he imagined how, after the attack, Bogdanich would come up to him as he lay wounded and would magnanimously extend the hand of reconciliation.

Thysanura >>"The more nobly and magnanimously thou conductest thyself, and the less thou vauntest of thy wealth and power, the more readily shall we regard thy wishes both as to the concession of a church in the city and of altars in the church of SS.

To Jericho the victorious Israelite marauders magnanimously returned their Judahite captives at the bidding of the prophet Oded (2 Chron.

Then he added magnanimously, "I'm donating the school book and ink bottle to the museum, seeing as Miss Worthington helped in locating the buyers and all.

""The more nobly and magnanimously thou conductest thyself, and the less thou vauntest of thy wealth and power, the more readily shall we regard thy wishes both as to the concession of a church in the city and of altars in the church of SS.

"The more nobly and magnanimously thou conductest thyself, and the less thou vauntest of thy wealth and power, the more readily shall we regard thy wishes both as to the concession of a church in the city and of altars in the church of SS.

The professors sought refuge at the court of Chosroes, king of Persia, but were soon so much disgusted by the ideas and practices of the fire-worshippers that they returned to the empire, Chosroes having magnanimously obtained from Justinian a promise that they should be suffered to pass the rest of their days unmolested.

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