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lycra Meaning in Tamil ( lycra வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



lycra தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

| லைக்ரா எம்டிவி ஸ்டைல் விருதுகள்.

2007 - MTV லைக்ரா விருதுகள்: 2006 ஆம் ஆண்டுக்கான மஹா ஸ்டைல் ஐகான் .

lycra's Usage Examples:

This Polycrates firmly refused to agree to, and urged many weighty reasons to the contrary, whereupon Victor proceeded to excommunicate Polycrates and the Christians who continued the Eastern usage.

Natural fibers like canvas, cotton, and denims are cooler than synthetics like lycra, nylons, and satin.

Several years after the death of Socrates the sophist Polycrates composed a declamation against him, to which Lysias replied.

Zoilus appears to have been at one time a follower of Isocrates, but subsequently a pupil of Polycrates, whom he heard at Athens, where he was a teacher of rhetoric.

Apparently it was for the largest lunchbox in lycra.

Certainly Polycrates, bishop of Ephesus, made a precisely similar mistake when about 190 he described the Philip " who rests in Hierapolis " as " one of the twelve apostles," since Eusebius rightly identifies this Philip with the deacon of Acts xxi.

Ilmenite is isomorphous with geikielite, MgTiO 3, and pyrophanite, MnTiO 3; many of the "rare minerals" - aeschynite, euxenite, polycrase, 'c.

Synthetic leather and lycra spandex fabric offer maximum comfort.

About forty years later (197) the question was discussed in a very different spirit between Victor, bisho p of Rome, and Polycrates, metropolitan of proconsular Asia.

Short or thigh length lycra tights are also ideal for adventure racing.

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