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lustrates Meaning in Tamil ( lustrates வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தூய்மைச் சடங்கு கொண்டு புனிதமாக்கு,

lustrates's Usage Examples:

The first portrays Him chiefly by a record of His actions, and illustrates His strength, His sympathy, and His freedom from conventional restraints.

The town of Bourke, lying on the upper Darling, may be taken as an example of many of the interior districts, and illustrates peculiarly well the defects as well as the excellencies of the climate of the whole region.

2 Consequently much interest attaches to the evidence which illustrates the environment of the Jews during this period.

Heller's surprising ability to get into the mind of a middle-aged spinster also illustrates her strong talent for imaginative empathy.

Sir John Murray finds the source of the phosphoric acid to be the decomposition of large quantities of animal matter, and he illustrates this by the well-known circumstance of the death of vast shoals of fish when warm Gulf-Stream water displaces the cold current which usually extends to the American coast.

And that the right or wrong of choice depends not on the cause of choice but on its nature, he illustrates by the example of Christ, whose acts were necessarily holy, yet truly virtuous, praiseworthy and rewardable.

This illustrates the early importance of Genoa as a trading port, and the penetration of Greek customs, inhumation being the usual practice of the Ligurians.

9 illustrates the first case: the ordinates represent specific volumes, and the abscissae denote the composition of isomorphous mixtures of ammonium and potassium dihydrogen phosphates, which mutually take one another up to the extent of 20% to form homogeneous crystals.

2 But nothing so well illustrates this formal side of the Norman character as the whole position of William the Conqueror himself.

The great medieval canon lawyer Lyndwood illustrates the difficulty of distinguishing, even as late as the middle of the 15th century, between concubinage and a clandestine, though legal, marriage.

A wellknown fossil conifer from Triassic strata - Voltzia heterophylly - also illustrates a marked dissimilarity in the leaves of the same shoot.

An example of this is found in the ninth canon of Chalcedon, which also illustrates the enforcement upon a clerical plaintiff in dispute with a brother cleric of that recourse to the arbitration of their ecclesiastical superior already mentioned.


purify, sanctify, purge,


worsen, stay, desecrate, keep down,

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