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lurch Meaning in Tamil ( lurch வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

கடுந்தோல்வி நிலை

lurch's Usage Examples:

He pleaded the duty of a sultan to go to the aid of his subjects when oppressed by one of his servants; but the powers were obdurate, even Russia, much occupied in affairs nearer home, leaving him in the lurch.

Certain avenues of revenue may have dried up, leaving you in a bit of a lurch wondering how to pay those bills!She watched Pete's bowlegged figure lurch back to his wagon.

She was barely seated before he lurched the vehicle forward, nearly dumping her off the back.

Schedules and priorities can change in a flash, and well-meaning friends may not always be able to follow through on your pet's care as planned, leaving Fido in a lurch.

lurches suddenly from school comedy to War of the Worlds mayhem.

lurching even when the suspension is set to its usual comfort mode.

Adrienne's stomach lurched and chill bumps popped out on her arms.

He drew his left foot out of the stirrup and, lurching with his whole body and puckering his face with the effort, raised it with difficulty onto the saddle, leaned on his knee, groaned, and slipped down into the arms of the Cossacks and adjutants who stood ready to assist him.

It has a trigger underneath its tail that lurches its head forward from its shoulders, opens its mouth to reveal huge, threatening teeth and brings the beast to life with flashing lights and terrorizing sounds of doom.

It would appear that there is a distinct group of one in five lurcher owners who do not fraternize with other lurcher enthusiasts.

lurch back into the rut?Financial advisors also recommend creating a "fun fund" to save for special treats, such as vacations, big-ticket purchases and entertainment in order to avoid just charging something on impulse and getting stuck into the payback rut.

Orlov tempted the Greeks of the Morea to take up arms, and then left them in the lurch.

This also demonstrates that lurcher coursing is a growth area.


keel, careen, walk, stagger, swag, reel,


arrange, unwind, wind, push, ride,

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