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lopes Meaning in Tamil ( lopes வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


துள்ளி ஓடு,

lopes தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

துள்ளி ஓடும் புள்ளிமான்.

துள்ளி ஓடும் புள்ளிமான்.

இந்திய நாடகத் திரைப்படங்கள் துள்ளி ஓடும் புள்ளிமான் 1971 ஆம் ஆண்டு வெளிவந்த தமிழ்த் திரைப்படமாகும்.

lopes's Usage Examples:

wild yaks, wild asses (kulans), antelopes (orongo and others), marmots, hares and partridges exist locally in large numbers.

North of this saddle the slopes show a slight concavity, but are passable by troops of all arms in close order.

Are you worried about what Rachel said yesterday?Are you worried about the slopes?Jackson worried Elisabeth would miss her family, but she assured him that Christmas was not nearly as important as The Wolf Moon.

the black or double-horned rhinoceros, common in central Ogaden; leopards, abundant in many districts, and daring - they have given their name to the Webi Shebeli (" River of the Leopards "); panthers; spotted and striped hyenas (the latter rare); foxes, jackals, badgers and wild dogs; giraffes and a great variety of antelopes.

The mines are, in general, situated on the slopes of the hills and are easily opened up by adits.

In the stricter sense, physical geography is that part of geography which involves the processes of contemporary change in the crust and the circulation of the fluid envelopes.

Abt also developed the plan of combining rack and adhesional working, the engine working by adhesion alone on the gentler slopes but by both adhesion and the rack on the steeper ones.

The most noteworthy point of distinction is in the skull, in which the facial portion is sharply bent down on the posterior basal axis in the fashion characteristic of the hollow-horned ruminants (oxen, antelopes, 'c.

It was an oblong structure filling a natural depression near the left bank of the Ilissus beneath the eastern de clivity of the Ardettus hill, the parallel sides and semicircular end, or acev50vn, around the arena being partially excavated from the adjoining slopes.

The best of these is the celebrated Lacrima Christi, which is grown on the slopes of Vesuvius from a vine bearing the same name.

In summer, with the snow and skiers gone, British Columbia attracts mountain bikers and hikers to the slopes.

Half a mile east of Kabul it is joined by the Logar, a much larger river, which rises beyond Ghazni among the slopes of the Gul Koh (14,200 ft.




untidy, fat, unbalance, thicken, increase,

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