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logician Meaning in Tamil ( logician வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



logician's Usage Examples:

We do not mean existing here and now, nor yet out of time and place, but at any time and place (semper et ubique) - past, present and future being treated as simply existing, by what logicians used to call suppositio naturalis.

BURGERSDYK or Burgersdicius, Francis (1590-1629), Dutch logician, was born at Lier, near Delft, and died at Leiden.

With a brilliant subtlety Bradley analyses the various types of judgment in his own way, with results that must be taken into account by all subsequent logicians of this type.

It has been chiefly indebted to writers, who were not, or were not primarily, logicians, to Avenarius, for example, for the law of the economy of thought, to Wundt, whose system, and therewith his logic,' is a pendant to his psychology, for the volitional character of judgment, to Herbert Spencer and others.

Not that men should or can carry this logical postulate out in ordinary life; but it is necessary in the logical analysis of judgments, and yet logicians neglect it.

Hence some logicians make a separate class for adjectives, as being the names neither of things nor of qualities, and describe them as Attributive terms.

But recent logicians, although they perceive the difference, nevertheless tend to make the proposition thej measure of the judgment.

He had no great tincture of learning, he was by no means a profound logician, and he was impulsive and emotional in the extreme - characteristics which in political matters predispose the subject to the preference of equality above all political requisites.

The reason of this is not far to seek, and has been pointed out by logicians of the most diametrically opposed schools.

The list given by the schoolmen and generally adopted by modern logicians is based on the original fivefold classification given by Aristotle (Topics, a iv.

Logic has to consider the things we know, the minds by which we know them from sense, memory and experience to inference, and the sciences which systematize and extend our knowledge of things; and having considered these facts, the logician must make such a science of inference as will explain the power and the poverty of human knowledge.

Gilbert is almost the only logician of the 12th century who is quoted by the greater scholastics of the succeeding age.


logistician, expert, syllogiser, syllogizer, symbolic logician, syllogist, dialectician,


unskilled, generalist,

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