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lobelia Meaning in Tamil ( lobelia வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தோட்டச் செடி வகை,

lobelia தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அவற்றுள் 320 மலர்க்குடும்பத்தைச் சேர்ந்த ஆர்சைட்ஸ், 289 கற்றாழை வகையைச் சேர்ந்த சட்சி, 22 சதைப்பற்றுள்ள வகையைச் சேர்ந்த சக்குலண்ட் செடிகள், 216 அல்கா, 103 பன்னம், and 1162 தோட்டச் செடி வகைகள் காணப்படுகின்றன.

lobelia's Usage Examples:

Take up, dry and store dahlias and all tender tubers at the end of the month; pot lobelias and similar half-hardy plants from the open borders.

Frequently the leaves powdered together with equal quantities of the powdered leaves of the Cannabis Indica and lobelia mixed with potassium nitrate are burned in an open dish.

Progressive Doctor Soothing Salve is a beeswax-based salve with several herbal ingredients: organic lobelia, marshmallow root, mullein leaf, black walnut, skullcap, aloe, comfrey and calendula.

The last design they were at work upon represented the Moulin joli, the house of Marguerite, with the device Cur valle permutem Sabina divitias operosiores?My ideal is red pelargonium and white marguerites, set in a bed of trailing blue lobelia.

The stamens may cohere by their anthers, and become syngenesious, as in composite flowers, and in lobelia, jasione, 'c.

Plants like petunias and pelargoniums are drought resistant, but under watered fuchsias and lobelia can take weeks to recover.

By the end of the month, masses of the following plants may be formed with safety in warm localities: - pelargonium, heliotropium, fuchsia, petunia, nierembergia, salvia, verbena, bouvardia and lobelia.

"The alpine vegetation on all these lofty mountains is of a mixed Cape and Abyssinian character - witch-hazels, senecios, lobelias, kniphofias, everlasting flowers, tree heaths and hypericums.

Higher still lies the moorland zone, where a cover of giant heather is studded with otherworldly giant lobelias.

A range of plants were used including bedding geraniums, petunias, verbena, lobelia, Busy Lizzie and fuchsias.

- This term is chiefly applied to those summerflowering plants, such as ivy-leaved and zonal pelargoniums, petunias, dwarf lobelias, verbenas, 'c.

Blue flag, snake root, ginseng, lobelia, tansy, wormwood, wintergreen, pleurisy root, plantain, burdock, sarsaparilla and horehound are among its medicinal plants.

The alpine vegetation on all these lofty mountains is of a mixed Cape and Abyssinian character - witch-hazels, senecios, lobelias, kniphofias, everlasting flowers, tree heaths and hypericums.


Lobelia dortmanna, bladderpod, Indian pink, water lobelia, blue cardinal flower, Lobelia cardinalis, Lobelia siphilitica, genus Lobelia, cardinal flower, herbaceous plant, Indian tobacco, herb, Lobelia inflata, great lobelia,



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