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liveliest Meaning in Tamil ( liveliest வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



liveliest's Usage Examples:

But the liveliest attention was attracted by occurrences quite apart from, and unconnected with, the battle.

For his old patrons of the house of Medici Ficino always cherished sentiments of the liveliest gratitude.

"He was perhaps the most learned and able theologian after Alcuin, as well versed in Greek theology as he was familiar with Augustinianism, a comprehensive genius, who felt the liveliest desire to harmonize theory and practice, and at the same time give due weight to tradition" (Harnack).

The attitude of the northern powers, however, and especially of Russia, towards Poland was beginning to excite the sultan's liveliest suspicions; and these the accession, in 1762, of the masterful Catherine II.

That wound (which Tikhon treated only with internal and external applications of vodka) was the subject of the liveliest jokes by the whole detachment--jokes in which Tikhon readily joined.

In the course of this work the high priest Hilkiah discovered a "law-book" which gave rise to the liveliest concern.

If I refuse to talk to her, she spells into her own hand, and apparently carries on the liveliest conversation with herself.

The number and variety of its dramatis personae give it the liveliest interest throughout.

These works are all profusely illustrated, some by Albrecht Diirer, and in the preparation of the woodcuts Maximilian himself took the liveliest interest.

(I) Tertullian was a man of great originality and genius, characterized by the deepest pathos, the liveliest fancy, and the most penetrating keenness, and was endowed with ability to appropriate and make use of all the methods of observation and speculation, and with the readiest wit.

Here was a problem which excited the liveliest curiosity and gave rise to a whole literature.


alert, bubbling, frothy, bouncy, spirited, effusive, effervescent, watchful, life, gushing, liveliness, bouncing, animated, burbly, scintillating, peppy, spirit, live, sparkly, warm, rested, alive, burbling, bubbly, zippy, sprightliness, breezy, energetic,


tired, dull, lethargic, unalert, unanimated, spiritless,

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