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limestone Meaning in Tamil ( limestone வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



limestone's Usage Examples:

To these leached guanos and phosphatized limestones the name sombrerite has been given.

, to a lowland region of folded strata of limestone, slate and other rocks in Orange and Dutchess counties.

Around the coast there is a raised shelf of limestone which was undoubtedly a coral reef.

The Permian limestones and marls occupy a strip in E.

They are conformably overlain by clays and limestones with Exogyra Overwegi belonging to the Lower Danian, and these by clays and white chalk with Ananchytes ovata of the Upper Danian.

; but between the village of Ostrovki and that of Ust-Tosna it passes over a limestone bed, which produces a series of rapids, and reduces the width of the river from 1050 to 840 and that of the navigable passage from 350 to 175 ft.

The town is built on high ground underlain by solid limestone, and has much natural and architectural beauty.

Considerable portions of the southern wall of the ancient citadel, built in very massive Cyclopean masonry of blocks of limestone, are still to be seen; and the two walls, also polygonal, which formerly united the citadel with the town, can still be traced.

The series in the type area consists of the Hirnant limestone, a thin inconstant bed, which is separated by 1400 ft.

adventive floras associated with the locally sourced Cotswold limestone.

East of Bolsover, the Coal Measures are covered uncomformably by the Permian breccias and magnesian limestone.

It lies in the upper part of the Ribble valley, amid the wild scenery of the limestone hills of the Pennine system.

the Millstone Grit contains fragments of chert which can only have come from the waste of the earlier limestones.


rock, tripoli, Ca, calcite, stone, C, atomic number 20, carbon, rottenstone, sedimentary rock, atomic number 6, calcium,


bad person, achromatic, artifact,

limestone's Meaning in Other Sites