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ligations Meaning in Tamil ( ligations வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



ligations தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நல்ல வானிலைக் காலத்தில் உழவர் அறுப்பு, கதிரடிப்பு, கட்டுகட்டுதல் பணிகளில் முனைப்பாக ஈடுபடுவர்.

ligations's Usage Examples:

Another reminder of Trusts ' obligations when disposing of prescription only medicine contaminated sharps has been posted on the DH website.

Organization is supposed to make life easier by eliminating those last-minute panics over forgotten obligations or chaotic household.

So there's no no support from anybody for Iranian enrichment activities because they have concerns about Iranian noncompliance with NPT and IAEA obligations.

You are no longer stressing over everything you need to do, wasting too much time on frivolous tasks or juggling an impossible amount of work and family obligations.

He proposed to accomplish this by carefully nursing her resources, and in the meantime securing and enriching her by alliances, which would bring in large subsidies while imposing a minimum of obligations.

So stringent are the obligations of hospitality that a household is bound to exact reparation for any injury done to a guest as though he were a member of the family.

A homestead of this size is exempt from levy for the debts of the intestate except in case of an incumbrance given by consent of both husband and wife, or of obligations for purchase money, or of liens for making improvements, and the homestead of a family cannot be alienated without the joint consent of husband and wife.

The smaller company exchanges its stock for stock of the larger system on an agreed basis, or sells it outright, and the bondholders of the absorbed line often have a similar opportunity to exchange their securities for obligations cf the parent company, which are on a stronger basis or have a broader market.

Most of these people have other jobs and obligations, so without something like Etsy, they might not be able to enter into these trades.

A freedman, unless he became such by operation of law, remained client of his master, and both were bound by the mutual obligations arising out of that relation.

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