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leaflet Meaning in Tamil ( leaflet வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


leaflet தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அவை ஒற்றையாக இலையின் மேற்புறத்திலோ குருத்திலைகளின் அடிப்பகுதிகளிலும் மொட்டுக்களின் அடிப்பகுதியிலும் இடப்படும்.

இலைப்பரப்பின் ஒவ்வொரு குருத்திலைகளும் முதன்மையான அல்லது இரண்டாம்பட்ச நரம்புகளுடன் பிரிக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும்.

புதிதாய் வெளிவரும் குருத்திலை தன் நீளத்தை மையமாகக் கொண்டு சுருண்டு இருக்கும்.

பொதுவாக, இரண்டிலிருந்து ஐந்து அங்குல நீளம் கொண்ட, மூன்றிலிருந்து ஐந்து குருத்திலைகளைக் கொண்ட மூன்று இலைகள் இத்தாவரத்தில் இருக்கும்.

leaflet's Usage Examples:

A section about honeybee diseases includes information about diagnosing and several downloadable advisory leaflets.

To view a Jabberwocky information leaflet, please click here!jabberwocky thread The Tess667 and everybody else thread Save Uncle Don!Look for either goggle-style with side guards, or if you opt for plain shields, make sure they fit close to the face to avoid a finger or racquet jabbing in through the open side.

It has large compound leaves composed of four or five pairs, with a terminal odd one, of short-stalked, oblong, blunt, leathery leaflets, and inconspicuous green flowers.

The leaves of hemp have five to seven leaflets, the form of which is lanceolate-acuminate, with a serrate margin.

If the leaf of Mini osa or Desmodium be examined, it will be seen that at the base of each leaflet and each leaf, just at the junction with the respective axes, is a swelling known as a pulvinus.

19), the leaf is unequally pinnate (imparipinnate); when the leaflets or pinnae are placed alternately on either side of the midrib, and not directly opposite to each other, the leaf is alternately pinnate; and when the pinnae are of different sizes, the leaf is interruptedly pinnate.

The leaves are composed of seven radiating leaflets (long-wedge-shaped); when young they are downy and drooping.

A set of 5 identification leaflets to the common saxicolous lichens in lowland England is available from Ivan Pedley (cost £ 3.

in height, and having trifoliate leaves, the leaflets being lanceolate and tapering at both ends (fig.

It is remarkable for its large leaves, the centre leaflet sometimes exceeding a foot in length, and for its long panicles of small white flowers.

Benzamide, C6H5�Conh2,, crystallizes in leaflets which melt at 130° C.

quinquefolia, Virginian creeper, a native of North America, introduced to Europe early in the 17th century, has palmately compound leaves with three to five leaflets.

1fertilis, from the Pottsville beds (Millstone Grit) of West Virginia, the rhomboidal seeds, flattened and winged like those of Cordaiteae, are borne terminally on the lateral pinnae of a frond, which elsewhere bears the characteristic cuneiform leaflets.


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