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laymen Meaning in Tamil ( laymen வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


திருச்சபை சமய குரு அல்லாதவர்,

laymen's Usage Examples:

Kingsley's accusation indeed, in so far as it concerned the Roman clergy generally, was not precisely dealt with; only a passing sentence, in an appendix on lying and equivocation, maintained that English Catholic priests are as truthful as English Catholic laymen; but of the author's own personal rectitude no room for doubt was left.

In the same way the Crusades themselves may be regarded as a stage in the clerical reformation of the fighting laymen.

To share with the minister such general oversight is not regarded by intelligent and influential laymen as an incongruous or unworthy office; but to identify the duties of the eldership, even in theory, with those of the minister is a sure way of deterring from accepting office many whose counsel and influence in the eldership would be invaluable.

Of the laymen, the educated copied manuscripts, the others worked at various handicrafts or at agriculture.

Conference - the supreme assembly - was a very jealously guarded preserve, being attainable only to preachers who had travelled 18 and superintended 12 years, and to laymen who had been members 12 and officials io years.

1 Archdeaconries were, indeed, sometimes treated as ordinary fiefs and were held as such by laymen.

Previous experience had convinced him that the moral condition of the lowest classes of the people called for new and aggressive action on the part of the Church, and that this work was most effectively done by laymen and women of the same class as those whom it was desired to touch.

Its administration has always been in the hands of laymen, and it works through local "conferences" or branches, the general council having been suspended because it declined to accept a cardinal as its official head.

6 The decretals contained provisions as to what was and what was not tithable property, as to those privileged from payment, as to sale or hypothecation to laymen, as to priority over state taxes, 'c.

However, instances of men elevated at once from the condition of laymen to the priesthood were known in the early church, and Chardon (Hist.

We can see a sturdy commonsense religion taking possession of multitudes in Germany, which insisted that laymen might rule in many departments supposed to belong exclusively to the clergy.


secular, common person, layperson, common man, commoner, lay reader, temporalty, laity,


naive, heavenly, sacred, clergyman, clergy,

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