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lat Meaning in Tamil ( lat வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இந்தியாவில் சில பெளத்த கட்டிடங்களில் இருக்கும் பெரிய தூண்,

lat's Usage Examples:

7 volt, but, when the plates are disconnected and used as a source of current, the electromotive force they give is only about 1.

This is due to intense engorgement of the vessels brought about through these minute existing collateral channels and results in a peripheral congested zone round the infarct.

balloon dilatation are obtained in most patients with 60% of patients dysphagia free at 5 years.

This again is a matter which the parties may, if they please, regulate for themselves.

Magyar was now declared to be the language of the schools and the law-courts as well as of the legislature; mixed marriages were legalized; and official positions were thrown open to non-nobles.

The companies enforced their regulations on their members by force.

The most noteworthy pieces are a crater richly ornamented with arabesques and figures of children, a platter with a representation of Minerva, another with one of the boy Hercules and another with one of Cybele.

The auditorium is perfect in the lower part, and the scena still retains some of its decoration - both columns and carved entablature.

Her thoughts went to him and her latest dream.

It was translated at the end of the next century into Flemish by J.

When the latter invariant, but not the former, vanishes, the system reduces to a single force.

Matriculating at the university of Gottingen in 1811, he began by devoting himself to astronomy under Carl Friedrich Gauss; but he enlisted in the Hanseatic Legion for the campaign of 1813 - 14, and became lieutenant of artillery in the Prussian service in 1815.


back, skeletal muscle, latissimus dorsi, dorsum, striated muscle,


disapprove, front, fore, anterior, negate,

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