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lassi Meaning in Tamil ( lassi வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கடை தயிர்,

lassi's Usage Examples:

Colette's Birthday Cakes, by celebrated pastry chef and decorator Colette Peters, includes close to a dozen recipes and a wide variety of truly creative designs for classic, elegant birthday cakes.

Flash took a little bit of Queen and a little bit of Blondie to not only create what is now a hip hop classic but to introduce musicians and fans to the new worlds of possibilities sampling provided.

It is largely to researches on the bone marrow that we owe our present knowledge of the origin and the classification of the different cellular elements of the blood, both erythrocytes or red corpuscles, and the series of granular leucocytes or white corpuscles.

Depending on the theme of your wedding, you can leave your hair long and loose, wear it half up and half down for the best of both worlds, or pull everything back into a classic bun or chignon.

Home Secretary David Blunkett immediately rebuffed the committee 's calls for reclassification.

Polydactyly is classified as postaxial if the extra digit is located beside the little finger or preaxial if the extra digit is located near the thumb.

In every classis or presbytery there were two elders to each minister.

The prisons of France, some of them attached to the ministry of the interior, are complex in their classification.

Sixth form classicists enjoyed the Study Day at Haberdashers ' Monmouth School for Girls on 7th November for lectures on their A level topics.

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