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landless Meaning in Tamil ( landless வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நிலம் அற்ற,

landless தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

* பொருளாதாரம்: கூலி வாழ்க்கை; பெரும்பாலும் நிலம் அற்றவர்கள்.

அதன் மூலம் நிலம் அற்றவர்களுக்கு நிலம் வழங்கப்பட்டது.

நிலத்தில் உழைக்கும் பெரும்பான்மையான விவசாயிகள் நிலம் அற்றே இர்ருந்தனர்.

நிலத்தில் உழைக்கு விவசாயி பெரும் நிலம் அற்றே இருந்தார்.

landless's Usage Examples:

In its new use, alike in the later Roman and the early German state, the landless freeman who could not support himself went to some powerful man, stated his need, and offered his services, those proper to a freeman, in return for shelter and support.

Up to this point we have seen only the small landowner and the landless man entering into these relations.

27 1917) this action was continued as opposed to the policy of the leading Baits (Sievers, Oettingen, Baron Pilar, Stryck), who were alarmed by the Bolshevik upheaval, the congress of the landless workers at Wolmar (Dec.

Fabius Rullianus limited the landless and poorer freedmen to the four urban tribes, thus annulling the effect of Claudius's.

The landless men formed combinations, disputed with the landlords, and asked and often got twice as much as the old rates, despite of the murmurings of the employer.

Moreover, the crusaders who survived the difficulties and dangers of an expedition to Palestine were seasoned and experienced although frequently impoverished and landless soldiers, ready to hire themselves to the highest bidder, and well worth the wages they received.

The result of any such policy, he warned, would be to degrade Mozambican peasant farmers to the status of landless rural proletarians.

The landless younger sons of the gentry and the Servian and Vlach immigrants provided him with excellent and practically inexhaustible military material.

The eldest son alone succeeded to the crown; but at the same time a custom was established by which the king made territorial provision suitable to their rank for his other children or for his brothers and sisters; custom forbade their being left landless.

The term came in time to mean " a beggar " and with that meaning has passed through Aramaic and Hebrew into many modern languages; but though the Code does not regard him as necessarily poor, he may have been landless.

The former consisted of persons who possessed, whether as individuals or families, at least five hides of land - which practically means a village - while the latter were landless, i.

landless citizens both in the centuries and in the tribes,.

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