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lampoon Meaning in Tamil ( lampoon வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



lampoon தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


lampoon's Usage Examples:

His corruption, his mean submission to a tyrant wife, his greed, his pale face and lean person, which had succeeded to the handsome features and comeliness of earlier days,' were the subject of ridicule, f:om the witty sneers of Halifax to the coarse jests of the anonymous writers of innumerable lampoons.

Thus Candide attacks religious and philosophical optimism, L'Homme aux quarante ecus certain social and political ways of the time, Zadig and others the received forms of moral and metaphysical orthodoxy, while some are mere lampoons on the Bible, the unfailing source of Voltaire's wit.

There is not the slightest reason why there should not have been people in the 3rd or 4th century who would have been glad to lampoon Paul.

lampoon silly people.

I can neither lampoon, Sing in tune; much less can I Intone.

Even Voltaire did not venture to publish this lampoon on a great official of a prince so touchy as the king of Prussia without some permission, and if all tales are true he obtained this by another piece of something like forgery - getting the king to endorse a totally different pamphlet on its last leaf, and affixing that last leaf to Akakia.

The series ran very briefly in the US - lampooning television itself on television has never been a route to a lengthy career.

quartering themselves on the chiefs and nobles during the winter and spring, story-telling, and lampooning those who dared to hesitate to comply with their demands.

The emperor's rough and severe habits and his rigid administration prompted Antiochene lampoons, to which he replied in the curious satiric apologia, still extant, which he called Misopogon.

The year before the Revolution broke out he, with some assistance from a man of similar but lesser talent, Champcenetz, 2 compiled a lampoon, entitled Petit Almanach de nos grands hommes pour 1788, in which some writers of actual or future talent and a great many nobodies were ridiculed in the most pitiless manner.

lampooned in the press for incompetence.

The severity with which Henry treated the last rebels was regarded as a blot upon his fame; but the only case of merely vindictive punishment was that of the poet Luke de la Barre, who was sentenced to lose his eyes for a lampoon upon the king, and only escaped the sentence by committing suicide.

lampoons on air is the hallmark.


satirize, jest at, ridicule, satirise, rib, poke fun, guy, blackguard, roast, laugh at, make fun,



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