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lamellae Meaning in Tamil ( lamellae வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



lamellae தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இவ்வகை திமிங்கலங்களின் மேல் தாடை பற்களுக்கு பதிலாக வளரும், கொம்பு போன்ற தகட்டெலும்பு திமிங்கலங்கள் ஆகும்.

lamellae's Usage Examples:

Under side of the uplifted genital or first opisthosomatic somite of the female; g, genital aperture; p, pitted plate, probably a gland for the secretion of adhesive material for the eggs; 1, the edges of the lamellae of the lung-books of the first pair.

Twinning is represented only by twinlamellae, which are parallel to the planes m and f and are of secondary origin, having been produced by pressure.

), and in a series of subsequent memoirs, in which the structure of the entosternum, of the coxal glands, of the eyes, of the veno-pericardiac muscles, of the respiratory lamellae, and of other parts, was for the first time described, and in which the new facts discovered were shown uniformly to support the hypothesis that Limulus is an Arachnid.

This is abruptly bent down in the middle, as if broken; the upper jaw is rather flat and narrow, while the lower jaw is very roomy and furnished with numerous lamellae, which, together with the thick and - ? :; ?:??.

It forms small brown lamellae which dissolve slowly in water to give a fuchsine-red solution possessing a violet reflex.

The maceration of the soft parts of a scorpion preserved in weak spirit and the cleaning of the chitinized in-grown 1nus cuticle give rise to the false appearance of a limb axis carrying the lamellae.

I'm going to get some of that pate, anybody want anything?4, d, the large branchial vein of Patella bringing blood from the gill-series to the heart is seen; where it crosses the series of lamellae there is a short interval devoid of lamellae.

5); while in Atrypa the broad spirally coiled lamellae are vertical, and directed toward the centre of the dorsal valve.

f, Gill lamellae (not ctenidia, but organs of the pallial complex, having two kidneys, in some cases two branchiae, and two auricles.

This circlet of gill-lamellae led Cuvier to class the limpets as Cyclobranchiata, and, by erroneous identification of them with the series of metamerically repeated ctenidia of Chiton, to associate the latter mollusc with the former.

For the use of the oculist, who constantly employs this drug, it is also prepared in lamellae for insertion within the conjunctival sac.


os, tissue layer, bone, membrane,



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