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justifiable Meaning in Tamil ( justifiable வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



justifiable's Usage Examples:

Convinced that gradual emancipation would merely stimulate the inter-state slave trade, and that the dangers of a mixed labour system were greater than those of emancipation in mass, he formally repudiated colonization in 1834; moreover, gradualism had become for him an unjustifiable compromise in a matter of religion and justice.

The war is blamed by Turkish historians as unjustifiable and untimely, the country needing reform.

Of all these interventions the most justifiable and beneficent, perhaps, was that which related to the Swiss cantons.

How far this interpretation of Zeno is historically justifiable, may be doubtful.

Query, in a man who has been so much calumniated, is that not justifiable?Few men, it is probable, have been more atrociously calumniated; but, when every specific statement to h s prejudice has been rejected, he still appears on a general review of his actions worldly, crafty and unscrupulous.

The crown occasionally interfered in a more unjustifiable manner with the companies in the exercise of their patronage.

They were applied to other P Y PP uses less justifiable or defensible; they served to execute the will of the despotic master upon all who set themselves in opposition to his authority, or were decreed, more or less wisely but still arbitrarily, by a government in the best interests of society, organized for the general good.

The green maiden hastened away, but presently returned and said:He was quite aware of the taxonomic value of the vocal organs of some groups of birds, presently to be especially mentioned, and he had himself ascertained the presence and absence of caeca in a not inconsiderable number of groups, drawing thence very justifiable inferences.

High Court Of Justiciary >>The annexation of the province of Oudh was justifiable on the ground of morals, though not on that of policy.




unpardonable, inexcusable,

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