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jurors Meaning in Tamil ( jurors வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



jurors's Usage Examples:

It will be observed that the legality of the trial, in so far as the jurors were not properly qualified and the law of treason was shamefully strained, was denied in the act of William ' Mary which annulled the attainder.

They also said jurors during their four-month trial were prejudiced against them and at loggerheads among themselves.

"As the generality of Frenchmen at that time were orthodox although not zealous Catholics, the Nonjurors carried with them a large part of the laity.

As jurors the deputies took an oath to decide according to written law, or in cases not covered by law, according to their best will and judgment (CIA.

In 1368 an inquisition was taken to ascertain these privileges, and the jurors found that the burgesses held "all the soil of their borough yielding 7s.

In 1716, in reply to George Hickes, he published a Preservative against the Principles and Practices of Nonjurors in Church and State, and in the following year preached before the king his famous sermon on the Kingdom of Christ, which was immediately published by royal command.

Under William and Mary he succeeded Tillotson as dean of Canterbury in 1689, and (after declining a choice of sees vacated by nonjurors who were his personal friends) followed Thomas Lamplugh as archbishop of York in 1691.

"They were originally a body of jurors which gave a verdict under the presidency of the praetor, but eventually became annual minor magistrates of the Republic, elected by the Comitia Tributa.

"Thenceforwards the clergy were divided into hostile factions, the Constitutionals and the Nonjurors.

You're carrying this juror business too far!Thenceforward the impressions of judges and jurors were to decide the fate of the accused.

He was charming the high heels off one of the women jurors.

The convention of 1861, by maintaining continuous government, had saved the state from anarchy and from reconstruction by the national power; but an ironclad test oath (it required denial of forty-five distinct offences) was provided, to be taken by all voters, state, county and municipal officers, lawyers, jurors, teachers and clergymen.

The Annales Maximi of the Pontifex Maximus, the annual edicts of the praetor, the lists of Roman and municipal senators, (decuriones) and jurors (album indicum) were exhibited in this manner.


petit juror, petty juror, juryman, foreperson, jury, panelist, panellist, jurywoman,



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