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junipers Meaning in Tamil ( junipers வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


என்றும் பசுமையான புதர்ச் செடி வகை,

junipers's Usage Examples:

junipers manzanita or pines what's really going in alaska he her saris her.

Pines of three species, junipers, larches, oaks, maples, willows and the Thuja Orientalis have been identified.

Next come the junipers, sometimes attaining the size of trees (Juniperus excelsa, rufescens and, with fruit as large as plums, J.

Cottonwoods flourish along the Little Missouri river, and in sheltered ravines grow stunted junipers and cedars, which seldom rise above the crest of some protecting bluff.

At greater elevations in the interior, besides the above are met Corylus, the common walnut, found wild throughout the range, horse chestnut, yew, also Picea Webbiana, Pinus, excelsa, Abies Smithiana, Cedrus Deodara (which tree does not grow spontaneously east of Kumaon), and several junipers.

, and ranges from Bhutan to Kashmir; several junipers and the common yew (Taxus baccata) also occur.

) penetrate a few very stunted oaks (Quercus subalpina), the junipers already mentioned and a barberry (Berberis cretica), which sometimes spreads into close thickets.

nultalli, Tetradymia canescens, Sarcobatus vermiculatus and Gray-ia spinosa) are characteristic species, and on the mountain slopes are some nut pines (psif on) and junipers.

are reached in places, and in all the upper parts of this table-land there is fairly abundant vegetation, grass and herbage with low junipers, but with no pine trees.


pencil cedar, dwarf juniper, Mexican juniper, Juniperus, ground cedar, juniper berry, cypress, Juniperus communis, southern red cedar, pencil cedar tree, savin, Juniperus sabina, Juniperus silicicola, Juniperus communis depressa, genus Juniperus, Juniperus flaccida, Juniperus horizontalis, drooping juniper, creeping juniper, common juniper,


fauna, superior,

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