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itinerant Meaning in Tamil ( itinerant வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஊரூராகச் செல்லும், இடத்திற்கு இடம் செல்கிற,

itinerant's Usage Examples:

Licensed to preach in 1791, he was engaged for several years as an itinerant Presbyterian preacher in his native state, and acquired during this period the facility in extemporaneous speaking for which he was remarkable.

4), which were strained to cover the case of itinerant Quaker preachers.

Such recitations were given by itinerant Bonzes, and it is easy to understand the connection between them and the No.

His chief measures are contained in his instruction to the itinerant justices of 1194 and 1198, in his ordinance of 1195 for the conservation of the peace, and in his scheme of 1198 for the assessment of the carucage.

But no great writer and no great administrator came from Narbonensis; itinerant lecturers and journalists alone were produced in plenty, and at times minor poets.

The work of the itinerant instructors is very varied.

They rejected the orders of the Church, and had only two grades of clergy, namely, associate itinerants (ovvEK8fuot.

From the late 15th-century Dutch merchants and itinerant fleets also factored.

itinerant evangelists, who hold simple missions, without charge, and distribute literature.

As under the Empire, the Palatium was both royal court and centre of government, with the same bureaucratic hierarchy and the same forms of administration; and the mayor of the palace was premier official of this itinerant court and ambulatory government.

To assist these commissioners in their task of inquiry and ejectment, a body of twenty-five " Approvers " was likewise constituted, with the object of selecting itinerant preachers to replace the dismissed incumbents; and amongst the Approvers are conspicuous the names of Walter Cradock (d.

In 1219 the prior secured the right of holding a court there for all crown pleas and of sitting beside the justices itinerant, .


swaggie, gipsy, manual laborer, swagger, labourer, jack, laborer, tinker, gypsy, swagman,


invariable, unfashionable, ride, lower, break,

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