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isopod Meaning in Tamil ( isopod வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


isopod தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

குறைவான வெப்ப நிலை வளர்ச்சிக் கட்டங்களில் எண்ணற்ற நுண்ணுயிரிகள், ஸ்பிரிங்டைல் பூச்சிகள், எறும்புகள், நூற்புழுக்கள் மற்றும் ஐசோபோட்கள் மற்றும் ரெட் விக்லெர்கள் இச்செயல்முறைக்கு பங்களிக்கின்றன.

isopod's Usage Examples:

At Cambridge he obtained fossil shells from the Pleistocene deposit at Barnwell; in the Vale of Wardour he discovered in Purbeck Beds the isopod named by Milne-Edwards Archaeoniscus Brodiei; in Buckinghamshire he described the outliers of Purbeck and Portland Beds; and in the Vale of Gloucester the Lias and Oolites claimed his attention.

For the complicated parasitism of isopods and Sacculinidae on the same hosts Giard and Bonnier (Bopyriens, 1887, p.

This mechanism as a whole is unique, although, as Sars observes, the epipod of the first maxillipeds has a respiratory function also in the Lophogastridae and Mysidae and in the cheliferous isopods.

Like the genuine isopods, they have seven pairs of trunk-legs, but instead of having seven segments of the middle body (or peraeon) FIG.

From the above-named isopods the present order is strongly differentiated by having heart and breathing organs not in the pleon, but in the peraeon, or middle body, the more or less simple branchial vesicles being attached to some or all of the last six pairs of trunklegs.

This includes sea spiders over 30 cm across and isopods, the relatives of woodlice, over 13 cm long.

A large isopod (wood-louse type) crustacean called Anilocra is known to live on wrasse around the Channel Islands.

) Families - Hexisopodidae (Hexisopus).

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