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ischia Meaning in Tamil ( ischia வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



ischia's Usage Examples:

The ischium and postacetabular ilium originally enclose the ischiadic notch or incisura ischiadica.

tuberosity the center of gravity of the seated person should be over the supporting base, the ischial tuberosities.

they are typically nidifugous; the simple structure of their neossoptiles; quintocubital; compound rhamphotheca; holorhinal nares imperviae; basipterygoid processes; simple articular facet of the quadrate; configuration of the palatal bones, including the large vomer; incisura ischiadica; simple hypotarsus; the thigh muscles; the copulatory organ.

The pelvis has large ischia and pubes, with a long and usually bony symphysis.

This primitive condition occurs only in the Odontornithes, Ratitae and Tinami; in all others this notch becomes converted into a foramen ischiadicum, through which pass the big stems of the ischiadic nerves and most of the bloodvessels of the hind-limb.

The shaft of the pubis runs parallel with that of the ischium, with which it is connected by a short ligamentous or bony bridge; this cuts off from the long incisura pubo-ischiadica a proximal portion, the foramen obturatum, for the passage of the obturator nerve.

- With long ischiadic symphysis.

Ideally, the center of gravity of the seated person should be over the supporting base, the ischial tuberosities.

The ischiadic portion consists generally of five or six nerves, which leave the pelvis as one thick system through the ilio-ischiadic foramen.

The pelvic girdle and the hind-limbs show the least reduction found in any recent snakes, ilia, pubes and ischia being still distinguishable, the last even retaining their symphysis, and there are small vestiges of the femurs.

In the pelvic region, from about the level of the posterior end of the ischiadic plexus, the strand of each side becomes single again, passing ventrally over the transverse processes.

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