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irruption Meaning in Tamil ( irruption வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


திடீரென உள் நுழைவு,

irruption's Usage Examples:

Then at the beginning of the 5th century, during a furious irruption of Germans fleeing before Huns, the limes was carried away (406407); and for more than a hundred years the torrent of fugitives swept through the Empire, which retreated behind the Alps, there to breathe its last.

The irruptions of the barbarians revolutionized the whole system of daily life.

It is desirable in the first place to realize the condition of Italy at the time when the irruption of the French and the expulsion of the Austrians opened up a new political vista for that oppressed and divided people.

The formerly dangerous passage of the marsh-lands, which were liable to irruptions of the tide, is illustrated by the accident to King John in 1216 shortly before his death.

By the western gates of Makran prehistoric irruptions from Mesopotamia broke into the plains of Lower Sind, and either passed on towards the central provinces of India or were absorbed in the highlands south of Kalat.

He believed that behind the natural world lay a spiritual world, irruptions from which had disturbed the natural sequence of causation, certainly in the production of the higher emotional and mental qualities of man, probably in the appearance of self-consciousness, and possibly in the first origin of life.

The valour of the Aetolians was conspicuously displayed in 279, when they broke the strength of the Celtic irruption by slaughtering great hordes of marauders.

They are the representatives of those countless Turkish irruptions which have taken place through all history.

The wild animals of Caucasia are for the most part the same as those which frequent the mountainous parts of central Europe, though there is also an irruption of Asiatic forms, e.

The coinage of a succeeding king, Hermaeus, indicates a barbaric irruption.

So important was this traffic held at Constantinople that, when the portage to the Don was endangered by the irruption of a fresh horde of Turks (the Petchenegs), the emperor Theophilus himself despatched the materials and the workmen to build for the Khazars a fortress impregnable to their forays (834).

The beginning of his reign was marked by a disastrous irruption of the Hungarians into Burgundy and Aquitaine (937).


entrance, incoming, ingress, entering, entry,


success, beginning, appearance, ending, failure,

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