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irrigate Meaning in Tamil ( irrigate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



irrigate தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நட்ட உடன் நீர்ப்பாய்ச்சப்பட்டு பின்னர் 20-25 நாட்கள் கழித்து நீர்ப்பாய்ச்சுதல் நல்ல வளர்ச்சியைத் தரும்.

உழுதல், விதைத்தல், நீர்ப்பாய்ச்சுதல் முதலான செயல்கள் நடித்துக் காட்டப்படும்.

பிறப்புறுப்பில் நீர்ப்பாய்ச்சுதல் கூட சில நேரங்களில் இதன் ஆபத்தை அதிகரிக்கிறது.

சுத்தமற்ற வகையில் உணவு தயாரிப்பது, எரு உரமிடுவதால் ஏற்படும் வயல் மாசு, மாசுபட்ட மாசுநீர் அல்லது கழிவுநீர்க் கொண்டு பயிர்களுக்கு நீர்ப்பாய்ச்சுவது,.

irrigate's Usage Examples:

irrigate 25,000 hectares of land for smallholder farming.

Dry wine grapes do best in the counties around San Francisco Bay, on unirrigated lands; while sweet wine stocks do best in Yolo, San Joaquin and the counties of the raisin grape, and on irrigated lands.

Most of the crop is grown in the irrigated coastal valleys.

In this hot and thirsty corner of Baluchistan, ruled by the Jam or Cham, there is a fairly wide stretch of cultivation, nourished by the alluvial detritus of the Purali and well irrigated.

, and its waters irrigate the best and most populous part of the province.

The lower ridges of the frontier mountain system are usually bare and treeless, but here and there, as in the Kaitu valley, in northern Waziristan and round Kaniguram in the south, are forest clad and enclose narrow but fertile and well-irrigated dales.

Two-thirds of the population are dependent entirely on cultivation for their support, and this is mainly rice on irrigated land.

The slopes of the hills were carefully terraced and irrigated wherever practicable, and on these slopes the vine and olive were cultivated with great success.

The Lower Ganges canal, an extension of the original canal, has been in operation since 1878 and irrigates 830,000 acres.

In planting rice three methods are in use: the cultivation of swamp-rice in irrigated fields; the planting of ploughed areas; and the planting of hill-rice by sowing each grain separately in holes bored for the purpose.

, are extensively grown, but the area under these crops is liable to great contraction in years of drought, as it consists for the most part of unirrigated lands.

In the irrigated fields the rice plants are first grown in nurseries, and are subsequently transplanted when they have reached a certain stage of development.


hush, water, flush, hose down, wet, hose,


fresh water, uneven, poor, ill health, dry,

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