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irreparable Meaning in Tamil ( irreparable வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



irreparable's Usage Examples:

His death was an irreparable loss to the tsar, who wrote upon the despatch announcing it, the words "Peter filled with grief.

If she made the wrong choice, there would be nothing standing between him and the will of those who wanted to cause irreparable harm to the human world.

, the Cnossian palace was sacked and burned, and Cretan art suffered an irreparable blow.

During these years he was perhaps the foremost champion of Union in the South, and strenuously opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, which he declared prophetically would unite the various elements of opposition in the North, and render the breach between the sections irreparable.

His utter failure was due, partly to the vices of an undisciplined temperament, and partly to the extraordinary difficulties of the most inscrutable period of European history, when the shrewdest heads were at fault and irreparable blunders belonged to the order of the day.

The assault on the Turkish main camp was fixed for the 6th of May; but, unfortunately, a chance skirmish brought on an engagement the day before, in the course of which Karaiskakis was killed, an irreparable loss in view of his prestige with the wild arinatoli.

The destruction of the earlier codices was an irreparable loss to criticism; but, for the essentially political object of putting an end to controversies by admitting only one form of the common book of religion and of law, this measure was necessary.

The alternative was irreparable and too permanent for my taste.

Harbour and citadel have now quite disappeared, the latter having been used to fill up the former shortly after the British occupation; some gain to health resulted, but an irreparable loss to science.

This naturally caused great dissatisfaction, and more than once resulted in irreparable disaster.

Yet lom 978 to 991 no irreparable harm came to England; the machinery for government and defence which his ancestors had establshed seemed fairly competent to defend the realm even under a wayward and incapable king.

Perhaps the day he realized what he'd done was irreparable, and he was going to lose her twice.

All must recognize that imprisonment, even for a short period, ruptures lives and the damage is often irreparable.

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