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irrefragable Meaning in Tamil ( irrefragable வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


irrefragable's Usage Examples:

That she was at length taken in her own toils even such a dullard as her admirers depict her could not have failed to understand; that €he was no such dastard as to desire or deserve such defenders the whole brief course of her remaining life bore consistent and irrefragable witness.

That mares used in mule breeding are liable to be infected is still widely believed, but irrefragable evidence of the influence of the ass persisting, as Agassiz assumed, is conspicuous by its absence.

Such a scheme does not lend itself to discussion here; but as far as evidence is at present obtainable, the conclusion that the fourth evangelist drew up his narrative on the basis of a two years' rather than a one year's ministry appears to be irrefragable.

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