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ironclads Meaning in Tamil ( ironclads வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இரும்புக் கவசம்,

ironclads's Usage Examples:

Richmond was evacuated that night, after the ironclads, the bridges and many of the military and tobacco store-houses had been set on fire by order of General R.

Abd-ul-Aziz, however, with the aid of British naval officers, succeeded in creating an imposing fleet of ironclads constructed in English and French yards.

The dockyard, enclosed by high walls and covering 80 acres, is protected by a powerful fort - the construction and repairing of ironclads are extensively carried on here.

Torpedo gunboats - 13 - -As to the number of vessels, which fluctuates from month to month, little can be said that is wholly accurate at any given moment, but, very roughly, the French navy in 1909 included 25 battleships, 7 coast defence ironclads, 19 armoured cruisers, 36 protected cruisers, 22 s1oops, gunboats, 'c.

- The opposing forces now in the field numbered 190,000 Unionists and half that number of Confederates; sixty-nine warships flew the Stars and Stripes and a number of improvised ironclads and gunboats the rival "Stars and Bars.

Modern battleships - 4 4 3As to the number of vessels, which fluctuates from month to month, little can be said that is wholly accurate at any given moment, but, very roughly, the French navy in 1909 included 25 battleships, 7 coast defence ironclads, 19 armoured cruisers, 36 protected cruisers, 22 s1oops, gunboats, 'c.

Tucker ordered huge spar torpedoes mounted on the ironclads, while the wooden corvettes were fitted to receive these devices when needed.

The navy is small, including 1 i ironclads of 3100 to 3650 tons.

At the time when further armaments were suspended, the effective strength of the Argentine navy consisted of 3 ironclads, 6 first-class armoured cruisers, 2 monitors (old), 4 second-class cruisers, 2 torpedo cruisers, 3 destroyers, 3 high-sea torpedo boats, 14 river torpedo boats, 1 training ship, 5 transports, and various auxiliary vessels.

Photon torpedoes - what have explosive coffins got to do with photon torpedoes - what have explosive coffins got to do with photons?Tucker ordered huge spar torpedoes mounted on the ironclads, while the wooden corvettes were fitted to receive these devices when needed.

Prince's Dock lies within its bounds and the shipbuilding yards have turned out many famous ironclads and liners.

"About six ironclads and twenty smaller vessels of the royal navy are stationed in colonial waters; the vessels of the colonial marine number about twenty-four, and undertake police supervision, prevention of slave trading, 'c.

Special reversible paddle steamers (called doubleenders) were designed for service in the inlets and estuaries, and sixty-six ironclads were built and employed during the four years.


war vessel, warship, combat ship,


elastic, compromising, adaptable, supple,

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