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iodide Meaning in Tamil ( iodide வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



iodide தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

மஞ்சள் நிற வெள்ளி அயடைடு,.

iodide's Usage Examples:

Thallic iodide, T11 3, is interesting on account of its isomorphism with rubidium and caesium tri-iodides, a resemblance which suggests the formula T11 (12) for the salt, in which the metal is obviously monovalent.

With potassium iodide, glycerin and water, it forms the preparation spirone, which has been used as a spray inhalation in paroxysmal sneezing and asthma.

Potassium iodide, KI, is obtained by dissolving iodine in potash, the deoxidation of the iodate being facilitated by the addition of charcoal before ignition, proceeding as with the bromide.

In its tertiary stages - and also earlier - this disease yields in the most rapid and unmistakable fashion to iodides; so much so that the administration of these salts is at present the best means of determining whether, for instance, a cranial tumour be syphilitic or not.

As a general rule the modification stable at higher temperatures possesses a lower density; but this is by no means always the case, since the converse is true for antimonious and arsenious oxides, silver iodide and some other substances.

1019) the iodide differs from the other haloid salts in separating from solution in alcohols with "alcohol of crystallization.

736); by heating pyrrol with sodium methylate and methylene iodide to 200° C.

The essential part of the medicinal treatment of this condition is the administration of iodides, which are able to decompose the insoluble albuminates of lead which have become locked up in the tissues, rapidly causing their degeneration, and to cause the excretion of the poisonous metal by means of the intestine and the kidneys.

Aluminium iodide, AlI 3, results from the interaction of iodine and aluminium.


potassium iodide, halide, silver iodide, sodium iodide, hydrogen iodide,



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