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invective Meaning in Tamil ( invective வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



invective தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பொய், குறளை, கடுஞ்சொல், பயனில்சொல் – 4.

இழிசொல் – பொய், குறளை, கடுஞ்சொல், பயனில்சொல்.

* பெரியோர்களால் பழிக்கப்படும் இழிவான சொற்களான பொய்,கடுஞ்சொல் ஆகியவற்றைப் பேசாதே.

இதன் வழியே கடுஞ்சொல் என்பது அச்சம் தரும் சொல் என்று உணர்ந்துகொள்கிறோம்.

நான்கு இழிச்சொல் - குறளை, பொய், கடுஞ்சொல், பயனிலசொலல்.

invective's Usage Examples:

The unmeasured invective of Luther and Aleander has not ceased to re-echo, and the old issues are by no means dead.

When Charles returned to Germany, after assuming the crowns in Rome and Milan, Petrarch addressed a letter of vehement invective and reproach to the emperor who was so negligent of the duties imposed on him by his high office.

), which contained much invective against the English, and numerous misrepresentations.

By wallowing in the trough of political invective, these people show they have lost the argument.

The latest and probably the most important of these rude and inchoate forms was that of dramatic saturae (medleys), put together without any regular plot and consisting apparently of contests of wit and satiric invective, and perhaps of comments on current events, accompanied with music (Livy vii.

He speaks with emphasis of the impressiveness of Cato's eulogy and the satiric bitterness of his invective.

It was his duty to celebrate his princely patrons in panegyrics and epics, to abuse their enemies in libels and invectives, to salute them with encomiastic odes on their birthdays, and to compose poems on their favourite themes.

Although excluded by a majority of the House from the list of the managers of that impeachment, Francis was none the less its most energetic promoter, supplying his friends Burke and Sheridan with all the materials for their eloquent orations and burning invectives.

The revival of Greek from the time of Chrysoloras onward, instead of begetting a Hellenistic spirit, transported the more serious-minded to the nebulous shores of NeoPlatonism, while the less devout became absorbed in scholarly or literary ambitions, translations, elegantly phrased letters, clever epigrams or indiscriminate invective.

Among contemporaries he passed for one of the most formidable polemical or gladiatorial rhetoricians; and a considerable section of his extant works are invectives.

But his most famous compositions in this kind are the personal invectives which he discharged against Filelfo and Valla.


abuse, insult, contumely, revilement, vituperation, vitriol, vilification,



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