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inuit Meaning in Tamil ( inuit வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



inuit தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


inuit's Usage Examples:

Some writers regard them as a continuation of the Roman collegia and sodalitates, but there is little evidence to prove the unbroken continuity of existence of the Roman and Germanic fraternities.

What prompted you to develop the Ageless Yoga DVD series?When I would go on trips, my students asked me to make audio and/or videotapes for them to help them to keep a sense of continuity with their yoga practice while I was away.

When you take a proactive attitude and steps to put a business continuity plan in place, you are demonstrating to your customers, employees and shareholders that your company will be a stable one, no matter what circumstances lie ahead.

His idea of revelation depends upon the same mechanical conception of the relation of God to the world which dominates his Natural Theology; and he seeks to prove the divine origin of Christianity by isolating it from the general history of mankind, whereas later writers find their chief argument in the continuity of the process of revelation.

The latter phenomenon is most clearly shown by the stripes of cold water along the west coasts of Africa and America, the current running along the coast tending to draw its water away seawards on the surface and the principle of continuity requiring the updraught of the cool deep layers to take its place.

His disappearance snapped the chief link with the heroic period, and removed from the helm of state a ruler of large heart, great experience and civil courage, at a moment when elements of continuity were needed and vital problems of internal reorganization had still to be faced.

The first error is to assert that history unfolds in a basically linear fashion, that there is a fundamental continuity between the past, present, and future.

The mainland invasions which produced these great ethnic changes in Crete are marked archaeologically by signs of widespread destruction and by a considerable break in The dark the continuity of the insular civilization.

Magnetic induction, like other fluxes such as electrical, thermal or fluid currents, is defined with reference to an area; it satisfies the same conditions of continuity as the electric current does, and in isotropic media it depends on the magnetic force just as the electric current depends on the electromotive force.

Thus, for example, with 4Uy 2 (r 2 a 2 -I), r2 x2 +y 2, (13) for the space inside the sphere ra, compared with the value of, i' in § 34 (13) for the space outside, there is no discontinuity of the velocity in crossing the surface.

Again, if more than 2% of carbon is present, it passes readily into the state of pure graphitic carbon, which, in itself soft and weak, weakens and embrittles the metal as any foreign body would, by breaking up its continuity.


Red Indian, Indian, American Indian, Esquimau, Eskimo,


artificial language,

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