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interpreted Meaning in Tamil ( interpreted வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உட்பொருளை வெளிப்படுத்து,

interpreted தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இது மாதவிடாய் என்பதற்கான உட்பொருளை வெளிப்படுத்துகிறது.

interpreted's Usage Examples:

matrifocal societies is thin or ignored, misinterpreted or ideologically disputed.

interpreted by one radiologist without access to previous investigations.

Yet it is noteworthy that the traditions are usually reshaped, readjusted or reinterpreted, and are not replaced by entirely new ones.

These measures have been interpreted as an appeal to the baser instincts of the mob, but this assumption is entirely out of keeping with all we know of Pericles' general attitude towards the people, over whom Thucydides says he practically ruled as a king.

The embryological facts upon which this view has been based, 'however, have been differently interpreted.

The sap in these active tissues is alkaline, which has been interpreted as being in accordance with not appear to be concerned with digestion so directly as the others is pectase, which forms vegetable jelly from pectic substances occurring in the cell-wall.

He interpreted the Sermon on the Mount literally, denounced war and oaths, opposed the union of Church and State, and declared that the duty of all true Christians was to break away from the national Church and return to the simple teaching of Christ and His apostles.

The great majority of the nation naturally desired a composition with its ruler and with Austria, and this general desire was unerringly interpreted and directed by Deak, who carried two-thirds of the deputies along with him.

"Lelorgne d'Ideville smilingly interpreted this speech to Napoleon thus: "If a battle takes place within the next three days the French will win, but if later, God knows what will happen.

radix argument is interpreted in the same way as for int( ), and may only be given when x is a string.

His unresolved antithesis' is interpreted either diversely or with a 1 Or antitheses.

In 1828 he confided to a few companions that a voice from heaven had announced that "the last shall be first," which was interpreted to mean that the slaves should control.


taken, understood,


unaffected, explicit, ununderstood,

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