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instructive Meaning in Tamil ( instructive வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தகவல் நிறைந்த,

instructive தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பாலின ஒற்றுமை மற்றும் பெண்களின் அதிகாரத்தை நிறுவுவதற்கும் பராமரிப்பதற்குமான ஓர் மையமாக இதனை அவர் தகவல் நிறைந்த எடுத்துக்காட்டாகக் குறிப்பிடுகிறார்.

instructive's Usage Examples:

The competition thus constitutes what is termed a " block test," and it is instructive in affording the opportunity of seeing the quality of the carcases furnished by the several animals, and in particular the relative proportion and distribution of fat and lean meat.

Here he analyses " abstract ideas," and instructively illustrates the confusion apt to be produced in them by the inevitable imperfection of words.

This result, though widely inaccurate, came much nearer to the truth than any previously obtained; and it instructively illustrated the feasibility of concerted astronomical operations at distant parts of the earth.

In Elephantine, as in Nippur, the legal usages show that similar elements of Babylonio-Assyrian culture prevailed, and the evidence from two such widely separated fields is instructive for conditions in Palestine itself.

Lamaism has acquired a special interest to the student of comparative history through the instructive parallel which its history presents to that of the Church of Rome.

Thomas Kidd >>Kidd was a popular and instructive lecturer, and through his efforts the geological chair, first held by Buckland, was established.

What makes Origen's answer so instructive is that it shows how close an affinity existed between Celsus and himself in their fundamental philosophical and theological presuppositions.

Years afterwards, when an old man, Adams undertook to write out at length his recollections of this scene; it is instructive to compare the two accounts.

If the continuous, unbroken, horizontal extent of land in a continent is termed its trunk,' and the portions cut up by inlets or channels of the sea into islands and peninsulas the limbs, it is possible to compare the continents in an instructive manner.

Delambre as "uninstructive to an astronomer and unintelligible to any one else.

The way in which the ulema are recruited and formed into a hierarchy with a vigorous esprit de corps throws an instructive light on the whole subject before us.

diet to condemn Luther's teachings, his curious and instructive despatches to the Roman Curia complain constantly of the ill-treatment and insults he encountered, of the readiness of the printers to issue innumerable copies of Luther's pamphlets and of their reluctance to print anything in the pope's favour.


educative, ostensive, educational, preachy, explanatory, clarifying, expository, interpretive, expositive, interpretative, demonstrative, illustrative, doctrinaire, informatory, informative, didactic, elucidative, didactical,


undemonstrative, nonpartisan, unenlightening, uninformative, uninstructive,

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