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instigation Meaning in Tamil ( instigation வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தீமைத் தூண்டுதல்,

instigation's Usage Examples:

humoral defense mechanisms occurs, with little improvement following the instigation of dialysis.

Ten years later, at the instigation of Adrastus, the war was renewed by the sons of the chiefs who had fallen.

is the king who, by the instigation of the magians, put to a cruel death the prophet Mani, the founder of Manichaeism.

Four years later he was murdered at Vienne in Gaul, probably at the instigation of his Frankish general Arbogast, with whom he had quarrelled.

The states beyond the Balkan now began to dread the advance of the Turks; at the instigation of the pope an allied army of 60,000 Serbs, Hungarians, Walachians and Moldavians attacked Lala Shahin.

11), of the defeat of the Burgundian kings Sigimund and Godomar, and the captivity and murder of Sigimund, by the sons of Clovis, at the instigation of their mother Chrothildis, in revenge for the murder of her father Chilperich and of her mother, by Godomar; the RhenishBurgundian story of the ruin of Gundahari's kingdom by Attila's Huns.

"von Hofmann, who designed the laboratories and accepted the professorship in 1845 at the instigation of Prince Albert, and under his successor (in 1864) Sir Edward Frankland, this institution became one of the most important centres of chemical instruction.

Caligula was not predisposed to favour the favourites of Tiberius; and Antipas, having petitioned him for the title of king at the instigation of Herodias, was banished from his tetrarchy and (apparently) was put to death in 39.

In Germany, at his instigation, the archbishops with a few of the secular nobles in 1246 elected Henry Raspe, landgrave of Thuringia, German king; but the "priests' king," as he was contemptuously called, died in the following year, William II.

At the instigation of Theophilus of Alexandria, Anastasius (pope 398-402) summoned Rufinus from Aquileia to Rome to vindicate his orthodoxy; but he excused himself from a personal attendance in a written Apologia pro fide sua.


encouragement, abetment, abettal,


disheartenment, despair, disapproval, folly, finish,

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