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inspirations Meaning in Tamil ( inspirations வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



inspirations's Usage Examples:

But as all who knew him admit, and as his own records testify, notwithstanding an undercurrent of shrewd common sense, he was the creature, almost the sport, of impulse; his impressions and purposes changed with the speed of lightning; anger often mastered him; he went very often by intuitions and inspirations rather than by cool Authorities.

On her official beauty site she features a scrawling of her inspirations ranging from dreams to pearls to kisses.

LoveToKnow talks to designer Wells Butler about her Primp Girls clothing line to leanr more about the styles, concept, and inspirations behind the line.

Thus the inspirations of genius, appropriated by those who imperfectly appreciate their subtle beauty and quality, become hackneyed and lose their charm and interest.

Their predominant and constant characteristic is a sober sagacity which instinctively judges aright and imperturbably realized its inspirations.

Although early inspirations for pin-up girls could be cited, the true history begins with the popularization of printed materials, namely magazines and newspapers.

Yigal Azrouel's innovative gauzy cotton fabrics were layered in disheveled coolness as he merged the season's activewear notion with formal suiting and Eastern cultural inspirations.

Yet the stone has not fallen from the summit of the holy hill, and the Colossus of the German Empire has not crumbled into dust, which is more than can be said for the pope's inspirations, which led him to expect the sudden withdrawal of the Italians from Rome, and a solution of the Roman question in the sense inspired by his visionary policy.

If a modern style kitchen is more your speed, consider a stainless steel island with stainless steel swivel bar stools; the island gives you a place to work while the steel design keeps your decor inspirations in tact.

There were just as good materials and inspirations, but what could the best of them do without metal tools?Spiering.

In his early career, sometimes perhaps in its later stages also, many revelations must have burst from him in uncontrollable excitement, so that he could not possibly regard them otherwise than as divine inspirations.

The inspirations which the prophet receives by angelic messengers are compared with the irradiation of intellectual light, which the philosopher wins by contemplation of truth and increasing purity of life.

It is well known that he fed on inspirations, and expected each day the advent of some supernatural occurrence which should bring about the triumph of the Church.


mother, thought, germ, seed, idea, source, afflatus,


male parent, father, unbelief, divergent thinking, convergent thinking,

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