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inquired Meaning in Tamil ( inquired வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


விவரம் ஆராய்,

inquired தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


inquired's Usage Examples:

He inquired about her health, led the way to his mother, and having sat there for five minutes left the room.

"Well, where did you disappear to?" inquired Denisov.

Even Romas's mother had inquired about Kiera.

Why the circular form was chosen for the skep need not be inquired into, beyond saying that its shape conforms to that of a swarm, as the bees usually hang clustered on the branch of a neighbouring tree or bush after issuing from the parent hive.

That this may be conveniently inquired into, synods are to be held, three in every year, in each province, and questions of this kind examined.

Kutuzov looked at them searchingly, stopped his carriage, and inquired what regiment they belonged to.

After the victory, the prince inquired for Sir James, who was brought to the royal tent, where Edward told him he had been the bravest knight on his side, and granted him an annuity of five hundred marks.

Lord Granville further inquired whether Italy would co-operate in pacifying the Sudan, and received an affirmative reply.

So it is with the diseased conditions to which it is a prey: there is a wonderful community of design, if the term may be used in such a sense, between the diseases of animals and plants, which becomes singularly striking and instructive the more they are inquired into.

As chief pontiff he inquired rigorously into the character of the vestal virgins, three of whom were buried alive; he enforced the laws against adultery, mutilation, and the grosser forms of immorality, and forbade the public acting of mimes.

To the north lay the lake to which the answer of the Delphic oracle referred, Kiva Kaµapevav, when the citizens inquired as to the advisability of draining it.

"Why not?" inquired Boris.


communicate, enquire, confer with, ask, consult, pry, intercommunicate,


certainty, answer,

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