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inoperative Meaning in Tamil ( inoperative வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பயன் அற்ற,

inoperative தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஒழுக்கத்திற்குப் புறம்பான அறிவு பயன் அற்றது.

1864 ஆம் ஆண்டில் நிலங்களைப் பதியும் சட்டம் (Land Registration) அறிமுகப்படுத்தப்பட்ட பின்னர் தோம்புகளின் பயன் அற்றுப் போய்விட்டன.

ஒலிவ மரங்கள் பயன் அற்றுப் போயினும்,.

inoperative's Usage Examples:

The chief difficulty with this transmitter, and with various others of later date based upon it, has been the frequent packing of the carbon granules, which renders the instrument inoperative.

He saw that the amount of money in circulation did not constitute the wealth of the community, and that the prohibition of the export of the precious metals was rendered inoperative by the necessities of trade.

The common law has been somewhat unfavourable to the enforcement of such agreements, and statutes in the United States, both local and national, have attempted to prohibit them; but the public advantage from their existence has been so great as to render their legal disabilities inoperative.

It has an extraordinary power over the pain of acute gout; it lessens the severity and frequency of the attacks when given continuously between them, and it markedly controls such symptoms of gout as eczema, bronchitis and neuritis, whilst it is entirely inoperative against these conditions when they are not of gouty origin.

OfCom There are some nudges and winks in the report to the as yet inoperative single broadcasting regulator OfCom.

The hydrochloric acid from the calcining-furnaces or "roasters" cannot be employed immediately for the Deacon process, as the sulphuric acid always contained in the roaster gases soon " poisons " the contact-substance and renders it inoperative.

A constitution on the French imperial pattern granted by the king remained practically inoperative, an arbitrary bureaucratic regime was instituted, the finances were from the beginning in a hopeless condition, and the country was drained of men and money for Napoleon's wars.

Four serial killers have been rendered permanently inoperative.

The reforms were mainly inoperative and slavery continued.

, as above) of a majority of the whole number of counties, but that in such case the law to be referred shall be inoperative until it is passed at the popular election.

To pay for rendering inoperative the banishment edict of 1744, the Jews were taxed 3,000,000 florins annually for ten years.

A defensive alliance with Sobieski (August 4, 1677) was rendered inoperative by the annihilation of Sweden's sea-power (battle of Oland, June 17, 1676; battle of Fehmarn, June 1677) and the difficulties of the Polish king.


down, defunct, dead,


live, living, alive, operative,

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