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inmate Meaning in Tamil ( inmate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உடன் உறைபவன், உடன் உறைபவள்,

inmate's Usage Examples:

In the state reformatory the labour of some inmates is leased to tailors, and the others make brooms or bricks, or work in a cabinet shop or on the farm.

Mrs Thrale herself confessed that without her husband's assistance she did not feel able to entertain Johnson as a constant inmate of her house.

A large municipal gaol (1834-1837), capable of receiving 500 inmates, with barracks for a regiment, is a striking object on the Prado.

dormitoryient lived at a work center that housed up to 160 inmates in two separate dormitories.

A collision very soon took place; Usibepu's forces were victorious, and on the 22nd of July 1883, led by a troop of mounted whites, he made a sudden descent upon Cetywayo's kraal at Ulundi, which he destroyed, massacring such of the inmates of both sexes as could not save themselves by flight.

He was still a prisoner in the land of those inmates of his mind, the rascal story tellers who made the most absurd tales seems as natural as butter on toast.

Such were Dimmler the musician and his wife, Vogel the dancing master and his family, Belova, an old maiden lady, an inmate of the house, and many others such as Petya's tutors, the girls' former governess, and other people who simply found it preferable and more advantageous to live in the count's house than at home.

The inmates practise agriculture, as well as various industries for supplying all the requirements of the colony.

In 1535 the royal commissioners visited the abbey and reported four of its inmates, including the abbot, for incontinence.

He shot lightning at her that bounced off and hit an inmate.

Those who were not inmates of the household, but were employed outside of it as keepers of a shop or boat, chiefs of workshops, or clerks in a mercantile business, had the advantage of greater freedom of action.

At the request of the abbess he became an inmate of the monastery.


occupier, occupant, resident,


unfaithful, untrustworthy, dishonest, nonresident,

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