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inlaid Meaning in Tamil ( inlaid வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கல் முதலியன தெரியும் படியாகப் பதித்து அழகு செய்யப்பட்ட,

inlaid's Usage Examples:

More particularly, chased and inlaid metallic wares, bez (thin cotton) and carpet - weaving receive government support.

marble floor is a representation of the firmament inlaid in copper.

It is inlaid with designs in colour and black and white, representing Biblical and legendary subjects, and is supposed to have been begun by Duccio della Buoninsegna.

Owing to its position on two important railways, Alcazar has a flourishing transit-trade in the wines of Estremadura and Andalusia; the soda and alkali of La Mancha are used in the manufacture of soap; and gunpowder, chocolate and inlaid daggers are also made here.

In the gospel ambo in the cathedral of Ravello (1272), and also in that of the convent of the Trinita della Cava near Salerno, the spiral columns inlaid with mosaic stand on the backs of lions.

The principal apartment is generally paved with marble; in the centre a decorated lantern is suspended over a fountain, while round the sides are richly inlaid cabinets and windows of stained glass; and in a recess is the divan, a low, narrow, cushioned seat.

As to the former, the Japanese method does not differ from that seen in the beautiful iron censers and vases inlaid with gold which the Chinese produced from the Snen-tl era (1426-1436).

IntheXllthDynastythe soldering of the thin cells for the cloisonnee inlaid pectorals, on to the base plate, is a marvellous piece of delicacy; every cell has to be perfectly true in form, and yet all soldered, apparently simultaneously, as the heat could not be applied to successive portions (M.

comfortable sofas, plasma TV screens, bathroom floor inlaid with blue pebbles.

The outside of the church is plain, except the aisle walls and three eastern apses, which are decorated with intersecting pointed arches and other ornaments inlaid in marble.

In the Ligore ware the hammered ground-work is inlaid with a black composition of sulphides of baser metals which throws up the pattern with distinctness.

Shibuichi inlaid with shakudo used to be the commonest combination of metals in this class of decoration, and the objects usually depicted were bamboos, crows, wild-fowl under the moon, peony sprays and so forth.

These and the gunwale are tastefully inlaid with mother-of-pearl and wreathed with shells and feathers.


decorated, adorned,


unclothed, plain, unadorned,

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