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inion Meaning in Tamil ( inion வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பிடரி உச்சி,

inion தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


inion's Usage Examples:

It is one which, as long as beliefs are not very divergent, keeps up a sense of brotherhood overruling the diversity of opinion.

It has over 200 members, including media commentators, leading opinion pollsters and national party officials as well as academics.

'Most divergent opinions have been held as to the time in which Arethas lived; the reasons for the dates given above will be found succinctly stated in the article "Aretas," by A.

Slowly the Dutch lost ground and the outbreak of war with England sounded the knell of their dominion in Brazil.

The rise of public opinion as the most powerful political force in the world.

For example, on the surface of a shibuichi box-lid we see the backs of a flock of geese chiselled in silver, and when the lid is opened, their breasts and the under-sides of their pinions appear.

The rules definitely DID NOT unbalance the game in our opinion.

For several years Whiston continued to write and preach both on mathematical and theological subjects with considerable success; but his study of the Apostolical Constitutions had convinced him that Arianism was the creed of the primitive church; and with him to form an opinion and to publish it were things almost simultaneous.

But it is the general opinion of historians that he had a high sense of his responsibilities and a strong love of justice; despite the looseness of his personal morals, he commanded the affection and respect of Gilbert Foliot and Hugh of Lincoln, the most upright of the English bishops.

Originally of Liberal tendencies, he developed from 1837 onwards ultramontane opinions, founded in 1852 the Catholic group which in 1861 took the name of the Centre party (Centrum) and became one of its most conspicuous orators.

He is also supposed to be the author of the Skiby Chronicle,' in which he does not confine himself to the duties of a mere annalist, but records his personal opinion of people and events.

There were, however, varying opinions as to the value to the Jewish body of these accessions.

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