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inestimable Meaning in Tamil ( inestimable வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



inestimable தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


inestimable's Usage Examples:

He introduced into the Danish literature of his time inestimable elements of lucidity and purity.

He further induced the government to print his observations annually, thereby securing the prompt dissemination of a large mass of data inestimable from their continuity and accuracy.

The Germans in addition had the inestimable advantage of having been in commission over two years and being in a state of prime gunnery efficiency, whereas the " Good Hope " and " Monmouth " were both 3rd Fleet ships, which had been lying idle in the dockyards, manned entirely with reserve men on the outbreak of war.

These explorations cover every branch of natural science and resulted in publications of inestimable scientific value.

For fifty-eight days Nadir Shah remained in Delhi, and when he left he carried with him a treasure in money amounting, at the lowest computation, to eight or nine millions sterling, besides jewels of inestimable value, and other property to the amount of several millions more.

The year 1851, while he was lecturing on physiology at Konigsberg, saw the brilliant invention of the ophthalmoscope, an instrument which has been of inestimable value to medicine.

Gambetta rendered France three inestimable services: by preserving her self-respect through the gallantry of the resistance he organized during the German War, by his tact in persuading extreme partisans to accept a moderate Republic, and by his energy in overcoming the usurpation attempted by the advisers of Marshal MacMahon.

The principles outlined above constitute the foundations of our science; and although it may happen that experiments may be made with which they appear to be not in complete agreement, yet in general they constitute a body of working hypotheses of inestimable value.

They held it for over two hundred years, to their own inestimable advantage in every recurring war.

In 1858 he was sent to California by the United States attorney-general as special Federal agent for the settlement of land claims, and he succeeded in breaking up a conspiracy by which the government would have been defrauded of vast tracts of land of almost inestimable value.


incalculable, incomputable, immeasurable,


enumerable, determinable, measurable, calculable,

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