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indolence Meaning in Tamil ( indolence வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


indolence தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஒரு பழமானது இப்பொழுது - அழிந்து மறைந்த பெரிய பாலூட்டிகளுடன் (மாபெரும் நில அசமந்தம் அல்லது கோம்போதர் யானை போன்றவை) சூழ்நிலையியல் தொடர்பை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டுள்ளது.

அவர் சொன்னார் "பிறவியிலேயே நான் ஒரு அசமந்தம், நடிப்பு தான் எனக்கு தகுந்த தொழில் என்று முடிவு செய்தேன்.

கடற்பசு (manatee) மற்றும் இரு கால் விரல் அசமந்தம் (two-toed sloth) மற்றும் மூன்று கால் விரல் அசமந்தம் (three-toed sloth) போன்ற பாலூட்டிகளில் ஒன்பது கழுத்து முள் எலும்புகள் காணப்படுகிறது.

indolence's Usage Examples:

While the men died, the women, living in comparative indolence, lived longer lives.

"I know your outlook," said the Mason, "and the view of life you mention, and which you think is the result of your own mental efforts, is the one held by the majority of people, and is the invariable fruit of pride, indolence, and ignorance.

Although the processes are primitive and improvements are discouraged, both by the policy of the government and by an indolence and suspiciousness of innovation natural to the people themselves, fine crops of cereals are yielded, especially in the large wheat-lands of Hauran.

was disqualified by constitutional indolence from taking any active part in affairs.

But he resigned it either from conscientiousness, or crotchet, or nervousness at responsibility, or indolence, or more probably from a mixture of all four.

Kindly and reasonable, his good nature seems sometimes to have verged on indolence, but he at any rate took personal part, and that bravely and successfully, in war.

Necker and the queen, chose the attitude most convenient to his indolence and least to his interest:The Venetian nobles abandoned themselves to indolence and vice.

Agriculture is extensively followed, chiefly by the Gallas, the indolence of the Abyssinians preventing them from being good farmers.

Chosroes fled from his favourite residence, Dastagerd (near Bagdad), without offering resistance, and as his despotism and indolence had roused opposition everywhere, his eldest son, Kavadh II.

But his incurable indolence and love of pleasure prevented him from taking any active part in affairs.

In the expression of his face, in his movements, in his walk, scarcely a trace was left of his former affected languor and indolence.

Throughout his life he was much interested in politics, and though his temperamental indolence and his aversion for public life often prevented his accepting office, he exercised as a contributor, to the press and through his friendships, a powerful political influence, especially in New England.

He well remarked that the debility and sickening of Europeans in many tropical countries are wrongly ascribed to the climate, but are rather the consequences of indolence, sensual gratification and an irregular mode of life.


shiftlessness, laziness, inactivity, faineance, inertia, idleness, inactiveness,


venial sin, worth, action, activity, activeness,

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