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individual Meaning in Tamil ( individual வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



individual தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

வான்பொருள்களின் பெருஞ்சுடரொளியை ஆய்வுசெய்த இவர் இந்நிகழ்வு அண்ட வானிலையியல் எனும் தனியான துறையைச் சாரும் எனக் கூறினார்.

1748 இல் அம்ரித்சரில் தல் கல்ஸா உருவாகிய போது, பஞ்சாப் 36 பகுதிகளாகவும் 12 தனித்தனியான சீக்கிய பிரின்சிபாலிட்டிகளாகவும் பிரிக்கப்பட்டிருந்தது.

ஒவ்வொரு ப்ராஜெக்ட்டுக்கும் தனித்தனியான் நோக்கங்கள் உண்டு.

முதலாம் வகை, இரண்டாம் வகை நீரிழிவுகள் தனித்தனியான நோய்களாக முதன் முதலில் இந்திய மருத்துவர்களான சுஷ்ருதா, சாரகா ஆகியோரால் கி.

ஒரு அணு ஒரு சில தனித்தனியான ஆற்றல் மட்டங்களில் மட்டுமே இருக்க முடியும்.

சனாதிபதி ஆட்சியைக் கொண்ட தனியான அரசாங்கம், இராணுவம், காவல்துரை, அஞ்சல் சேவை, தனி நானயம் ஆகிய கட்டமைப்புகள் இயங்குகின்றன.

இன்னமும் சில பறவையியலாளர்கள் அதனைத் தனியான இனமாகக் கருதி, அது அருகிவிட்ட இனமாக அல்லது அற்றுப்போன இனமாகக் கருதிய போதிலும், பலரும் அதனை இவ்விரு இனங்களினதும் கலப்பினச் சந்ததியே எனக் கூறுகின்றனர்.

பல்கோணம் ஒன்று தனியான ஒன்றையொன்று குறுக்கிடாத எல்லைகளைக் கொண்டிருப்பின் அது எளிமையான பல்கோணம் எனப்படும்.

1831 இல் மூன்று தனித்தனியான குடியேற்றப் பகுதிகளும் "பிரித்தானிய கயானா" என்ற பெயரில் ஒருங்கிணைக்கப்பட்டன.

அமேசான் தனக்கென தனியான தளத்தினை முக்கிய நாடுகளில் நிருவியுள்ளது.

தனி மனித வாழ்க்கையிலும், உறவு முறைகளிலும், குமுகமாக வாழ்வதிலும் தங்களுக்கென தனியான முறைகள் கொண்டவர்கள்.

ஆண் மற்றும் பெண் பூக்கள் தனித்தனியான தாவரங்களில் பூக்கும்.

கீழே +1-XXX வடிவத்தில் கொடுக்கப்பட்டவை NANPA பகுதியின் மண்டல குறியீடுகள் -- தனியான நாட்டுக் குறியீடுகள் கிடையாது.

individual's Usage Examples:

The most important goals of treating antisocial behavior are to measure and describe the individual child's or adolescent's actual problem behaviors and to effectively teach him or her the positive behaviors that should be adopted instead.

For those guitar players who play in special tunings, each individual string will have its new tuning named at the beginning of the tablature.

At the top of Mount Gushmore, individuals gain access to the Teamboat Springs, Summit Plummet and Slush Gusher attractions.

Many other individual boutique stores, however, also carry Yankee Candle merchandise, so be sure to check local gift stores, home décor stores, stationery stores, and similar merchants for their collections.

No portion of the regular army of the Netherlands is allowed to be sent on colonial service, but individual soldiers are at liberty to enlist, by permission of their commanding officers, in the army of Netherlands India, and they form its nucleus.

Chest pain (pleuritis): Pleuritis, also called pleurisy, occurs in up to half of the affected individuals in certain ethnic groups.

The gain for left and right inputs can be individually adjusted by using the preset potentiometers on the front panel.

The specific feature of Christianity is its mediatorial element, its profound feeling of the striving of the finite individual to reach the unity of the infinite whole, and its conception of the way in which Deity deals with this effort by mediatorial agencies, which are both divine and human.

Clear and forcible in style and arrangement, they are models of Puritan exposition and of appeal through the emotions to the individual conscience, illuminated by frequent flashes of spontaneous and often highly unconventional humour.

beams, spreaders and frames should have their safe working load clearly marked, with additional markings on individual lifting points.

It follows that Aristotelianism in the Categories and in the Metaphysics is a realism both of individuals and of universals; of individual substances as real subjects, and of universals as real predicates.

It was found that the resistance of albinoes towards the coagulative effects of injected nucleo-proteids was to that of pigmented individuals as.


changer, debaser, personage, toreador, scratcher, extrovert, case, creature, differentiator, degrader, squinter, neutral, ladino, killer, thin person, sprawler, unperson, nonmember, chutzpanik, straight person, explorer, deceased, sleepyhead, personality, smiler, right-hander, Libra, stifler, gatherer, applicant, simpleton, nude person, loved one, owner, extravert, stigmatic, mesomorph, agnostic, juvenile person, boomer, hugger, mollycoddler, convert, Bull, baldy, slayer, knocker, carrottop, recoverer, Taurus, jewel, pamperer, nonreligious person, technologist, prospect, enrollee, adjudicator, dresser, musclebuilder, charmer, anti-American, wiggler, color-blind person, small person, Amerindian, outcaste, romanticist, scrapper, comforter, literate person, immune, objector, common man, seeker, junior, driveller, dribbler, dead soul, lightning rod, figure, grinner, sex object, insured person, nonsmoker, assimilator, chameleon, unusual person, simple, bad guy, planner, seeder, mestizo, trier, entertainer, warrior, primitive, yawner, religious person, anatomy, wriggler, freewheeler, people, worker, blond, opener, causal agency, right hander, effector, winker, philosopher, dissenter, wealthy person, kneeler, weakling, abator, undoer, Gemini, gay, bomber, victim, needer, Lion, abomination, substance abuser, soul, nondescript, nonpartisan, divider, termer, pardoner, spoiler, nondrinker, grunter, indigen, leader, showman, maimer, guinea pig, lefty, bluecoat, slipper, waiter, appointee, ejector, engineer, Goat, bereaved person, emulator, intellect, Scorpio, turner, counter, aper, buster, bedfellow, traveler, baldpate, righthander, registrant, look-alike, relative, pussycat, ostrich, radical, snuffler, man jack, inexperienced person, image, redhead, player, antagonist, birth, Victorian, Balance, opposer, tempter, deliverer, tagger, active, survivalist, being, spitter, defecator, visionary, eristic, Native American, unfortunate person, fleer, opponent, third-rater, romper, rescuer, decedent, blackamoor, admirer, jumper, acquaintance, expectorator, child, Cancer, optimist, individualist, controversialist, flesh, appointment, arrogator, skin and bones, miracle man, toucher, granter, doormat, beholder, spouse equivalent, user, Caucasian, scientist, Virgin, ectomorph, acquirer, juvenile, traveller, nonparticipant, celebrant, female, experimenter, censor, scrag, excuser, mortal, forgiver, voider, best, protester, faller, muscle-builder, good guy, tapper, selector, waker, Twin, causal agent, Water Bearer, sex symbol, shitter, perspirer, passer, repeater, Latin, manipulator, proponent, closer, chooser, communicator, tyrant, commoner, deceased person, brunet, nonpartizan, greeter, have, pisser, combatant, complexifier, unfastener, essayer, equal, brunette, dupe, Negro, sentimentalist, riser, perceiver, forerunner, noncompliant, nonresident, laugher, ward, gainer, White person, personification, sphinx, form, polyglot, domestic partner, blonde, transferee, Ram, surrenderer, assessee, bodybuilder, signatory, lover, unraveler, weight gainer, Slav, Capricorn, rectifier, middlebrow, threat, frame, scourge, neighbour, African, deaf person, testate, spurner, faddist, clumsy person, resister, Elizabethan, attempter, sloucher, celebrator, heterosexual, relation, denizen, homosexual, balker, chassis, mover and shaker, interpreter, actor, demander, learner, sniveler, venturer, rusher, celebrater, heterosexual person, double, bod, stigmatist, spousal equivalent, preserver, runaway, disputant, social dancer, slider, aggregator, mediocrity, life, hater, picker, Scorpion, knower, collector, sport, saver, squirmer, drooler, cause, gambler, mixed-blood, Hebrew, misogamist, dweller, skidder, quester, Black person, build, shape, enjoyer, socializer, blogger, insured, advisee, gatekeeper, untier, wight, measurer, unfortunate, copycat, introvert, sort, female person, cripple, percipient, yielder, nurser, apprehender, stooper, six-footer, large person, neighbor, yearner, ancient, good person, adventurer, archaist, baby, capturer, bad person, person, male person, imitator, common person, public relations person, unwelcome person, slave, pansexual, doubter, abjurer, muscleman, dieter, free spirit, controller, soma, indweller, asthmatic, money handler, baldhead, effecter, person of color, percher, departed, masturbator, weasel, restrainer, thrower, walk-in, amateur, creeper, slobberer, hoper, redheader, partner, adversary, squint-eye, contemplative, subject, abstainer, Aquarius, creditor, Virgo, longer, Leo, mother hen, struggler, drug user, transsexual, success, unraveller, dead person, debtor, party, someone, doer, aborigine, Aries, innocent, money dealer, man, red-header, anomaly, autodidact, supernumerary, abstinent, battler, suspect, left-hander, witness, testator, native, revenant, homo, transvestite, cashier, emotional person, survivor, sensualist, person of colour, homunculus, shaker, wuss, bullfighter, deviser, authority, creator, compulsive, snuffer, transfer, ape, male, Black, possessor, baulker, cross-dresser, cloud seeder, national, scholar, searcher, swayer, precursor, totemist, outdoorsman, rich person, posturer, succeeder, liver, urinator, namer, friend, mouse, observer, contriver, loose cannon, ethnic, sniffer, disentangler, allayer, huddler, fiduciary, machine, Fish, guesser, Crab, Negroid, miracle worker, aboriginal, hope, somebody, linguist, wanter, anti, counterterrorist, vanisher, dancer, tiger, groaner, smotherer, delayer, onanist, achiever, inhabitant, nonworker, follower, winner, thirster, self, bather, compeer, ruler, coddler, advocate, rester, face, quitter, dyslectic, biter, applier, gentile, modern, transexual, orphan, segregate, married, appreciator, baby boomer, Archer, reliever, primitive person, nonperson, kink, exponent, monolingual, signer, free agent, applied scientist, discriminator, gem, modifier, belligerent, watcher, realist, fugitive, terror, visually impaired person, captor, adoptee, Jew, withholder, socialiser, bereaved, southpaw, roundhead, endomorph, sniffler, powderer, habitant, smasher, homophile, organism, material body, Sagittarius, malcontent, crawler, intellectual, White, propositus, Jat, candidate, topper, affiant, worldling, mangler, first-rater, fastener, fighter, grownup, pursuer, ouster, advocator, saluter, literate, baby buster, sweater, Pisces, computer user, Israelite, beard, beguiler, mutilator, stranger, sounding board, capitalist, straight, unskilled person, peer, handicapped person, adult, physique, occultist, mailer, human body, neglecter, persona non grata, expert, match, contestant, muscle builder, significant other, sneezer, indigene, debitor, second-rater, quarter, welcomer, coward, dissident, physical body, nude, namesake,


smoker, follower, drinker, liberator, extrovert, granter, resident, unemotional person, withholder, bad guy, stranger, member, nonreligious person, good person, leader, partisan, creditor, pessimist, religious person, agonist, bad person, juvenile, loser, female, adult, worker, debtor, male, acquaintance, good guy, introvert, fat person,

individual's Meaning in Other Sites