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incubation Meaning in Tamil ( incubation வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நோயரும்பல், அடை காத்தல், அடைகாத்தல்,

incubation தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

1) நோயரும்பல் : இந்தக் கால கட்டத்தில், பெரியம்மையின் நோய்க்கிருமி மனிதனின் உடலில் பெருகிக்கொண்டிருக்கும்.

incubation's Usage Examples:

presages an end to terrorist violence, what will be the impact on the British Army?113; Deubner, De incubatione; Lenormant, La Divination, et la science de presages chez les Chaldeens; Skeat, Malay Magic; J.

The male of the hornbills, Bucerotinae, feeds his mate, which is imprisoned, or walled-up in a hollow tree, during the whole time of incubation, by regorging his food.

J'ai ouvert une grande quantite d'ceufs a differens temps avant et apres l'incubation, et je me suis convaincu par mes yeux que le poulet existe en entier dans le milieu de la cicatrule au moment qu'il sort du corps de la poule.

Their cells during the period of incubation of the symbiotic organism are abundantly supplied with starch.

"Bonnet affirms that, before fecundation, the hen's egg contains an excessively minute but complete chick; and that fecundation and incubation simply cause this germ to absorb nutritious matters, which are deposited in the interstices of the elementary structures of which the miniature chick, or germ, is made up.

Dampier's statement of the mode of incubation (New Voyage round the World, ed.

The young, which are hatched after about four weeks' incubation, look very different from the adult.

Whooping cough has four somewhat overlapping stages: incubation, catarrhal stage, paroxysmal stage, and convalescent stage.

A parasite may be restricted during a long incubation-period, however, and rampant and destructive later (Ustilago).

Before each of these ages there is a period of incubation, or initiation: the first age begins with Abraham, but the period of initiation with the first man Adam.

It may be allowed to incubate for up to ten hours at a time for improved flavor (the tartness of the yogurt increases with incubation time) and texture.

"It is polygamous, and the male performs the duty of incubation, brooding more than a score of eggs, the produce of several females - facts known to Nieremberg Rhea.


care, attention, tending, aid,


stillbirth, middle, death, end, thoughtless,

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