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inchoate Meaning in Tamil ( inchoate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஆரம்பித்த நிலையில் உள்ள,

inchoate's Usage Examples:

There is reason to believe that the religion of Palestine in the Amarna age was no inchoate or inarticulate belief; like the.

The latest and probably the most important of these rude and inchoate forms was that of dramatic saturae (medleys), put together without any regular plot and consisting apparently of contests of wit and satiric invective, and perhaps of comments on current events, accompanied with music (Livy vii.

Turner's vision remains as vital today, expressing as it does the often inchoate and funereal qualities of the Venetian experience.

inchoate stage of development.

Thenceforth, till James came to the throne of England, the history of Scotland was but a series of inchoate revolutions, intrigues that led to nothing definite and skirmishes in the war of kirk and state.

The communal organization of English Jewry is somewhat inchoate.

The " Reception " seemed to me rather inchoate not to say disorderly.

From Australia, where we have the best chance of studying rudimentary religion in some bulk, comes a certain amount of evidence showing that in the two ways just mentioned some inchoate prayer is being evolved.

We may, if we please, regard "good offices" as inchoate mediation, and "mediation" as good offices brought to the birth.

The liability to contribute is inchoate only when the sacrifice has been made.

Arminius died, worn out by uncongenial controversy and ecclesiastical persecution, before his system had been elaborated into the logical consistency it attained in the hands of his celebrated successor, Simon Episcopius; but though inchoate in detail, it was in its principles clear and coherent enough.


incipient, early,


middle, last, late,

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